MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester: bugs, bugs, suggestions for improvement - page 63


Before hitting Stop, I see in the logs and in the Optimization table that erroneous passes have already been counted. Then I press Stop, because there is no point in continuing.

I misunderstood the question.

Yes, as a rule, you should press Stop at least once on the previous Optimization. But as soon as you hit an erroneous Optimization, all the next ones become erroneous as well (I don't change the time interval anymore).

Perhaps someone will connect to the replay. Strange that it doesn't work for you, but it plays fast on a clean Terminal for me.

Played exactly with stop pressed.

Figuring it out


Reproduced exactly with a press of the stop.

Deal with it

Hanging myself up for catching the elusive Joe.


It often happens that you start Optimisation and forget to take something into account. You have to stop, correct and start exactly what you originally wanted.

So, this erroneous variant of launching Optimization is left hanging in the form of unnecessary cache, flickering before your eyes in the list of caches, etc.

I suggest you think about this option. If the Stop button has been clicked, show an X next to it, which deletes this rubbish cache entry when clicked.

The search string is: Uluchshenie 008.

A big request when opening a single pass chart in the chart comment, to give not only the EA data, but also the name of the corresponding tst file.

A similar request for the Optimisation charts. At least indicate somewhere the name of the opt-file.

Search string: Uluchshenie 009.

I haven't been able to use MT5's strategy tester properly for a long time.

Before today, I was able to use the 2280 version on my local CPU core and get the correct results.

Tester agents deployed to remote CPU cores on the LAN are always forced to upgrade to bug-ridden versions after 2280, causing all remote tester agents to return incorrect results.

So for a long time I had to wait patiently for optimizations to be done on the local computer while a lot of computing power deployed on the LAN was wasted.

I'm so hoping that metaquotes fixes bugs in the new release version, making the strategy tester a tool that at least works.

And today I finally got version 2340.

Then I found out that even the optimizations tasks on the local CPU core were not getting the right results.

I am sorry that I did not translate my post from English to Russian, because I am afraid that the translation quality of the software is not good.


Then I found out that even the optimizations tasks on the local CPU core were not getting the right results.

Several last pages in this thread are dedicated to this problem. The developers managed to reproduce the bug yesterday and are fixing it.


The last few pages of this thread have been devoted to this problem. The developers managed to reproduce the bug yesterday and are working on fixing it.

So glad to hear that! Now I begin to pray.


Thanks for all your help!

No ban


I've got a DLL written in C#. It was working yesterday!

Today, when trying to run such an EA (simplified to the minimum):

#import "core.dll"

int OnInit() {

Gives out in the log:

2020.02.22 16:29:16.925 Tester  file C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\MQL5\Libraries\core.dll.ex5 open error [2]

Apparently the problem is that for some reason ex5 file(((( is searched for


Hi, sorry for not posting in Russian as I don't know this language.

My post is related to the DLL issue ingram posted.'ve just updated to MetaTrader 2340 and I noticed that it broke custom C++ DLL loading inStrategy Tester. I have an EA that uses a custom DLL and it stopped working because the Strategy Tester is unable to load the DLL. Before version 2340, everything was working properly. I'm using visualization mode.

I wrote a simple EA with a test.dll to reproduce this error. The test DLL exports only one function, which is "void __stdcall test(int & x)".

When I try to run the EA in the Strategy Tester, I get this error:

2020.02.21 22:57:17.607 Tester file C:\Users\Luis\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075\MQL5\Experts\Luis\tests\TestExpert\TestDLL.dll.ex5 open error [2]

Here is the EA code:

#property copyright "Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

#import "TestDLL.dll"
void test (int& x);

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   int p = 0;
   Print (p);
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

And here is the DLL code (C++)

#define _DLLAPI extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)

_DLLAPI void __stdcall  test(int & x)
    x = 25;

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
    return TRUE;

I've attached the sample EA to reproduce this issue. How to solve this problem?


Files:  19 kb