Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1415

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

If you continue to think that I am interested in communicating with you, then you can keep thinking that. I don't want to shatter your childish illusions.

You're a weak mind, not my category. You're already trying to do your best, while I'm relaxed... can you feel the gap between us?

You were just born so inferior, accept it.

We've all seen you here drooling with anger and resentment and then mashing up your shame, but it all stays in my quotes of your hysteria. This "relaxation" of yours is painful, something like paralysis, from overheating of the nervous system, maybe a stroke, if I were your guardians I would take away your computer and the Internet, I am sure you are already graying from worry. And I will not deny that it makes me happy, from my point of view, the sooner you face real life, need and humiliation the better.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:,_%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BB

Happy accident[edit|edit code]

Associative mechanisms look for causes. A tendency tocausal thinking produces serious errors in assessing the randomness of truly random events. Kahneman gives the example of the sexes of six babies born in the hospital one after the other. The sequence of boys and girls is completely random: the events are independent, and the number of boys and girls born in the last hours has absolutely no effect on the sex of the next baby. However, it seems to people that the sequences M-M-M-D-D-D-D, D-D-D-D-D-D-D and M-D-M-M-D-D-M have different probabilities. Humans look for patterns everywhere and don't expect a random process to lead to regular results.

Well, naturally, it doesn't change my attitude towards psychology, just a set of things plucked from other fields, particularly from terver

his bestseller can be read here

Psychology, at the very least, is useful in that like any human science it provides some language. As Adam Smith writes in "Gambling for Money" - the main question is always what others do. To answer it, the language of psychology seems most appropriate in the sense of further attempts to move to mathematical models.

Regarding births - we can say that people estimate the probabilities not of individual series, but of complex events consisting of several series. For example - the events "6 children of the same sex", "first 3 boys and then 3 girls", "boys and girls 3 mixed together" clearly have different probabilities. Terwer is inexhaustible in terms of the possibilities to come up with explanations for anything.)


I'm done with the random forest - so I posted the last experiment in this area. I did not add it to my library, because the experiment failed.

Now I'm experimenting with Pytorch, but there's no one to discuss the results in this thread...

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

You should read books on psychology, it's called projecting your condition onto others.

If you are so weak and helpless, then any manifestation of LIFE, as you put it, turns into suffering, survival, and other pleasures of being an ordinary dummy without a tribe

Look for the roots of your birth, maybe you have a serious pathology (but I do not claim, maybe you are just concussed)

As they say no offense, just a value judgment. Otherwise you'll really have a heart attack.

Thank you Maxim for your rudeness and curses, LIFE will show who is right and who is wrong, oh how it will show!

Kesha Rutov:

Kesha, dear grandson... I'm starting to cry... Well, I'm sorry, old man.

How are you doing on the neural net? Did you give up everything, like Misha the teacher and the unforgettable SanSanych? Those were the days...

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

You're welcome, if you want more, you're welcome.

I'll play with you like a cat with a mouse and then I'll bite your head off

But as a person and/ or interlocutor you're nothing to me, sorry Master

I am not your teacher, your teacher is a groom and he passed everything he knew and could do very well, you are his 99% copy!


Kesha, dear grandson... I'm starting to cry... Well, I'm sorry, old man.

How are you doing on the neural net? Did you give up everything, like Misha the teacher and the unforgettable SanSanych? Ah, those were the days...

I'm fine, the graffiti is cutting the cabbage, nothing has been abandoned, everything is just beginning, only a tragic death can stop me, and Maxim should calm down already, it's not his.


Don't swear. It doesn't look good on you.

That's how it happens - zap, and the branch is deleted...

Kesha Rutov:

There are new technologies, CNN, LSTM on the clouds, there is no point in using Random Forest, it is not even decent to talk about it, we need to keep up with the times

Thank you, Innocenti.

Artyom Trishkin:

Don't swear. It doesn't look good on you.

That's how it happens - zap, and a thread is deleted...

Yes. Some people are allowed to do everything here: engage in chitchat, advertise themselves, insult each other and all sorts of things.

And some just sneeze accidentally and it's enough to take down all the comments as well as the created thread.

And so over time, all more or less intelligent users from here (from the forum).