50k dollars a month - page 9

Carmine Pinto:

 as long as childhood discussions like these are keep to going on, my interest in partecipation will decrease vertically here.

That can work in your favor it seems that you are growing up.

Marco vd Heijden:

That can work in your favor it seems that you are growing up.

I totally agree with you (especially in time terms) even if my initial purpose was to growing up mql5 forum.

What I can say? I'm reinforcing my Darwinian belief about natural selection.

Carmine Pinto:

I totally agree with you (especially in time terms) even if my initial purpose was to growing up mql5 forum.

What I can say? I'm reinforcing my Darwinian belief about natural selection.

I totally agree with you. 

I hope to follow you very soon. 

Perhaps immediately.

Carmine Pinto:

You are wrong Marco.

Icham Aidibe is the one that make 50K (per month) and he doesn't even need to know Bruce Knover or study and read financial reviews :D

What is very clear here, is that as long as childhood discussions like these are keep to going on, my interest in partecipation will decrease vertically here.

If you think well about ain't a non-sense to swear by an "AI" rather than a "KB", when it comes to cyborg finance.  

Icham Aidibe :

Jika Anda berpikir baik tentang bukan non-sense untuk bersumpah dengan "AI" kelas "KB", ketika sampai pada keuangan cyborg.  

Hendra setiawan:

She came back alone.


Skimming through all comments, there are those who believe it is possible, and those who claim there are actually people "and in here" that are doing this number or higher

And of course there are those against the idea and that its a waste of time to even think it

My own interpretation, to balance this we can assume that making something between 10%-30% per month is possible, with good experience, risk management, time put towards understanding the market and putting more effort on self-control

Thats even more logical and widely accepted by all, let it be moderators or traders, novice or advanced 

Do we agree?

Carmine Pinto:

You're welcome.

It's funny as the sentence "the risk you are willing to take" is so obvious but at the same time very few people really understand its deep meaning.

Of course it can be possible to trade and make "job level money" but you still need to define how much capital you need to reach that.

Also, it take years to build up a consistent business plan that work for you and that allow you to reach consistent returns every month. Not impossible but very challenging.

Be skeptical when someone tells you that you can make 10-20-30% every month with low risk. 30% on yearly basis it's already a veery nice performance!

There are people who think that is possible to make 5% per day with low risk forever. It is a suicide.

I respectfully disagree.
Wesley Thomas:
Pardon the interruption. I am not familiar with whom you speak of. Nor am I them. What I am is the best trader one will ever know. With the right amount of capital, what you desire can be accomplished. With minimal risk. Please take a moment and view my profile.

This is 16% in a week!! Can i ask how long have you been trading and do you have a fundamental background plus the technical part or is it just fundamental?

I want to get 50$ every month