Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 34

And one extremely dangerous thing that is happening in cases like the one above : the "no name" indicator prevented a perfectly correct indicator from executing. The meaning of that is not obvious at the first glance. The thing that one indicator can interfere with another indicator execution means that we are not safe any more. If that can happen, then how are we going to know what is causing errors in some code when the cause of the error can be external to the executed code? This is a frightening possibility and if it is not solved (the posibility that one indicator can interfere with other indicator work) I am afraid that any kind of trust into a trading platform that allows that is becoming questionable at the least

What do you think : how long will it take them to correct all?


why the fuck they cant just leave it the way it is, I hate when they keep screwing things and making people's life HELL.

for example every other day some morons keep updating browsers and guess what things becomes more messy and ugly day by day.

why cant they keep it simple and let people concentrate on their work.

What do you think : how long will it take them to correct all?

Long Sorry for smiley but can not answer differently. I do not see that it is close to a stable platform and when a trading platform has serious problems with such a basic things like parameters, then what else can we expect in the more complicated areas?


Not a good outlook. Thanks

Long Sorry for smiley but can not answer differently. I do not see that it is close to a stable platform and when a trading platform has serious problems with such a basic things like parameters, then what else can we expect in the more complicated areas?


To me, as a former software developer, it is inconceivable that MetaQuotes can release a test version that has these glaring problems. This is an insult to all of its users. Bugs that cause "access violations", other messages or visible characteristics like the "no name indicator" are the easiest to fix as they are repeatable and easily identified. What I am terrified about are all the hidden problems where the code is executing but is not operating correctly that generally get identified only after the glaring errors are fixed.

It's nearly mid November and the year end is rapidly approaching, MetaQuotes needs to spend some serious time fixing what is visibly broken before releasing another test version. Throwing out updates that do not work is only further damaging their reputation.

We all need to keep a constant line of communication with our brokers to let them know any update to MT4 in the near future would be ill conceived.


At least now stingo (the head developer there) is responding to our posts there, so I am hoping that it will speed up the things at least a bit


In order to try to show the brighter side of the whole thing : here is a peace of code that will execute the same on metatrader 5 as well as on metatrader 4 (the beta version). It contains functions overloading, structures,, usual options we have in metatrader 5 for parameters and new ways to declare buffers (but, as far as I see, the limit of 8 drawing buffers is still staying).

One divergence existst though : parameters for OnCalculate() are already working the expected metatrader 4 way (they are already set as series, unlike the way they are treated in metatrader 5 - where they are passed to OnCalculate() function as regular array, not as series). It already has predicted volume as well as tick volume as arguments passed to OnCalculate(). The OnCalculate() mode that takes any price (value of some other indicator, for example) still does not work, but as far as I see it is predicted, so if it is so, we are finally going to be able to make indicators that can be applied to other indicators without changing the code


This might explain why are they trying to introduce new metatrader 4 : MetaQuotes Software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . See the part bout metatrader 5

This might explain why are they trying to introduce new metatrader 4 : MetaQuotes Software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . See the part bout metatrader 5

Yep, that was probably one of the reasons

Metatrader 5 seems to be, after all these years, a decision that brought more problems than solutions


Good and bad news : strategy tester is there. But it does not trade in the backtest. No message of error. Or message why is it not trading. So we have to wait.

Also, the good news is that offline charts are there (we are not going to have to work without offline charts like in metatrader 5). Found one interesting thing in the offline charts (but could not test it for now - probably due to start and end time mixup). Marked on the picture what is interesting :

offline.gif  27 kb