Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 227


Only time will tell but I think Mt4 still has some gas left in the tank. But then again, let's see and wait for the numbers to come.


Big change indeed :

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Big change indeed :

They are changing their business ?

on my own:
They are changing their business ?

The forum there is flooded with posts like that

MT forums are dead


MT4 have very silly bugs. When something runs fine and next build fail means code is a mountain of hooked code. But worst thing is they didnt make good planification. Events are a example of this. They missed invoke events in some combinations. They coding basic things and wait people test it and send missing parts... Really is a miracle, MT4 is capable to run xD


They are just hoping that errors will disappear from themselves - like magic

The wonders of alcohol fumes

Big change indeed :

Now they don't even delete that kind of crap there

Now they don't even delete that kind of crap there

And they have no intention to clean it up

No moderators there any more

And they have no intention to clean it up No moderators there any more

There is one - but he does not care


This is becoming significant :

Probably that is the reason why they can not find time to correct the errors in mt

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