Requests & Ideas - page 53



Try this one out. It looks a bit different than the picture you posted but has some extras and I think it will fit your needs


Hello guys,

should be possible for somebody of you guys, to code a variation of the classical "sweet spot" indicator to mark the 00 and 50 levels on the chart using colored rectangles instead of lines?

So to have a sort of background on the chart without lines that can clutter the view.

Looks at the picture to have an idea how it should looks like...

The indi should have the following options (aka external input...):

rectangles' color;

to write or not value labels with optional colors and the possibility to set their position;

to plot on the chart 500/600pips above and below current price;

audio and pop up alert (up/down) when price break trough the levels, but only at candle close otherwise when the price is struggling around the levels it will "rings the bell" continuously.

Thanks in advance!!!


Hi Mladen / MrTools,

About that end-point fft: can you also make an iCustom version of it (like Jurik smooth - frame): so you only have to edit 1 line to use a different indi as input? It's much appreciated as always!


Hi Mladen

many many thanks, it works beautifully!!!

Best Regards


brax64 Try this one out. It looks a bit different than the picture you posted but has some extras and I think it will fit your needs
regards Mladen


The already are like that

In the "simple" end-point SSA replace the iMA() in line 83 with iCustom(...) of your choice and if you want a separate window change the line 7 from #property indicator_chart_window to #property indicator_separate_window

Nothing else does not need to be changed (except if you want to add external parameters for iCustom() call)



Hi Mladen / MrTools, About that end-point fft: can you also make an iCustom version of it (like Jurik smooth - frame): so you only have to edit 1 line to use a different indi as input? It's much appreciated as always!

Yeah I didn't really need anything from SSA but I assume you meant this line: values = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i);

Mladen... at least one step ahead of us

nice work!

btw: you really need to install a "causality police" that weeds out all the non-causal fluff both here and on the non-exclusive parts, it would avoid a lot of waste of energy!


Goertzel & Co.

Nothing underground, but interpolating shifted values is a killer.

Every missing candle (and only then you are really going to notice it) is stretching the extrapolated values as if it was rubber band. Some new general solution for that issue (so mtf-ing the predicted values) has to be found and right now nothing meaningful comes to mind

That is all

No secrets only obstacles that are going to be solved

Just to checkpoint this...At last check there were two key enhancements considered: (1) Phase and Amplitude of the composite wave and (2) addition of mtf.

If 'mtf-ing' remains problematic, is there benefit to publishing (1)? Or, is it just me shifting from foot-to-foot?



I think that with extrapolation added (it was added after that request), the phase and the amplitude of the composite wave is rather obsolete.


As of mtf-ing the extrapolated part : the whole thing is a dead-end because of the way how metatrader is showing those extrapolated values - by shifting them and not by drawing values in the future (like it is possible on some other platforms). As far as metatrader is concerned they are still in present time and the trap of missing bars in the period that should be covered by "future" values then shows it's ugly head : when mtf-ing extrapolated values all of a sudden missing bars simply stretch the extrapolated values to un-usability, hence I gave up making a mtf of an extrapolated values : I would need to correct all the things metatrader does in order to reach a usable result

I hope this part of mtf-ing makes sense : it is difficult to explain simply but imagine that in a last day there are two 5 minute bars missing (it happens more often than I thought) - if I mtf 1 day long ahead 1 hour chart extrapolated data, all of a sudden all the extrapolated values are going change with 10 minute error boundary instead on 1 hour boundary. The checking that needs to be done on past data in order to avoid all this on "future" data would make the code impractical, so I decided to not to do it



Just to checkpoint this...At last check there were two key enhancements considered: (1) Phase and Amplitude of the composite wave and (2) addition of mtf. If 'mtf-ing' remains problematic, is there benefit to publishing (1)? Or, is it just me shifting from foot-to-foot?

Aroon labels...

I need an help to modify the attached Aroon indicator.

I would like to have two labels that shows the 2 lines value (see picture attached).

They has to be the same color of the line of reference, font Arial Black, size 13, indicate the period within brackets.

I want only, like external input, the position where to plot them, it's enough X and Y of one label and the other calculate with an offset on Y.

I'm asking 'cause I'm sort of "blind" so it's easier for me to read these instead the very tiny font of the regular indication supplied by MT4...

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards


aroon.gif  49 kb
aroon.mq4  3 kb

This is a faster Repeated median slope indicator


The calculation of the repeated median slope is made in C (attached the source along the dll too) and compiled to dll. Even though it is significantly faster than the mql version (it is visible even on a first glance) since it is still a N^2 complexity algorithm, introduced a bar limitation option that allows calculation of less than all bars (it might help on very long periods exploration). Found some notions that the N^2 problem was solved, but till I find a reliable algorithm itself please use the bars limitation for long calculation periods. Here is an example of a Repeated median slope 150 over 1000 bars
PS: the "reliable algorithm" is quite a serious remark in this case - just as an example I tried heap sort in this indicators C and literally all the implementations I have found failed to sort arrays in some cases properly (even the one from Cambridge University Press "Numeric recipes using C++" to my great surprise) so it seems that, very similar to mql, in other coding languages we have similar situation as far as correct and exact code is concerned

Goertzel & Co. Part II

As to the later, I completely understand.

On the former (composite wave)...

Even though the composite wave may be non-sinusoidal (e.g., mutiple cycles combine to produce an irregular waveform) it is still periodic (is it not?). I thought Simba was looking for the amplitude and phase for use in other indicators or EAs. I figured this information would be useful in determining the timing of the Goertzel output (that is, a buffer queried for the phase or amplitude depending on the need).

For example, the trival case would specify one cycle (presumably the dominant one); then, the phase could then be used for time-related entries and/or the amplitude for level-related entries.

Depending on the cycles selected for the list, the composite wave may be of a form useful for entries and exits.

Is this applicable (not obsolete) or am I missing something?

If obsolete, what's the best way to use the output other than visually? I've used level comparisons in short, lookback arrays, but it seems much more direct using phase and/or amplitude.

edit: Or, stick the repeated median line (handy pro-gression since there's no 'bad' data) out there at a configurable (+) shift for configurable n bars


I think that with extrapolation added (it was added after that request), the phase and the amplitude of the composite wave is rather obsolete.


As of mtf-ing the extrapolated part...

