Trading System by Xard777 - page 14



Xard, i'm trying to read this thread but your comments are reduced to "see first post". I can't follow.

Xard, i'm trying to read this thread but your comments are reduced to "see first post". I can't follow.

I thought it would be self explanatory...

Basically, as a rule of thumb, you want to be trading off the current stage 3 white star marker.

If it is at a low, then you want to be going long each time the market zigzags its way up till the new high stage 3 white star marker is created, then you simply repeat the in the opposite direction with a series of short trades till a new low stage 3 white marker is made.

All the best



Hi, Xard!

My Friday trade. Went long. The price went in the expected direction, after plummeted. Could not unwind position and had no indications for going short...Got stopped and missed good trade...

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One more observation. Arrows indicate previous position of red circles (in semafor version - white stars), which are supposed to be the most probable base for support/resistance/reversal up or down...

bit look how they change...

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One more observation. Arrows indicate previous position of red circles (in semafor version - white stars), which are supposed to be the most probable base for support/resistance/reversal up or down... bit look how they change...

ok maccavity....let's go over this one more time...

The CURRENT large red cirlce on your chart is what we trade from...

IF the red circle is shown a HIGH, then we want to SHORT the market and trade down.

IF the red circle is shown a LOW, then we want to go LONG the market and trade up.

Now look at your charts, see the red circles, if they are HIGH, you trade down, if they are LOW you trade up.

People talk of wave cycles 1 through 5 and ABC, just think of the market moving in a zigzag fashion from red circle to red circle, you just trade in the direction of the last red circle to the new red circle that's still to be drawn.

All the best



Thanks, Xard. I interpret it in exactly the same way but sometimes red circle dissapears as it had never been at the previous low. And I would go long from the previous low when the red circle was still there! ...See pic.

in this case what to do?...

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" IF the red circle is shown a HIGH, then we want to SHORT the market and trade down."

I think this is the difficulty for us,

and the quoted comment may contradict to another comment (comment above and comment below)

If it is at a low, then you want to be going long each time the market zigzags its way up till the new high stage 3 white star marker is created, -- does this mean , say new LOW with red circle is formed, after it go up (retract) sound (Higher than 3), then we bet it to go up for 10 pip or so, do it so many times, until the REAL daily LOW (big red is formed and will be staying there), then after it close for 10 pip (profit is upward), we ENTER it again to bet on it to get into FULL THORTTLE reverse mode ??

possible reason -- I trade on euro / gbp --- so the fluctuation is much lower, so sometimes, it does not make sense to trade the little tiny Bounce -- when today possible daily low or daily high has been reached

first thing, we notice is

--- it repaints, so the NEW BIG green ring ( previous template to show NEW LOW) and the NEW BIG red ring (new HIGH) -- may move to a LATER HIGH or LATER LOW

-- at this point, not sure that we look at previous HIGH and previous LOW will HELP, as euro close to 1.4200 , it just move in a small range

therefore, whether it will move to a NEW (HIGH or LOW)and we earn 10 pip at a time

or total REVERSE, that we could make 30 to 40 pip

we simply don't know

-- the system does look promising, but when the sound (lower than 3 ) or (higher than 3) -- then how long should we wait , after that sound signal (that should not be a good point for ENTRY when it is BEEPING and yelling)

and should we bet on reaching new high or new low ? -- we simply don't know (i.e. which direction is the CURRENT TREND -- reverse or reaching new HEIGHT ---- as a newbie to this system, we get confused )

-- it seem to be clarity to the author, maybe we are Not that Good in even picking the direction

if you understand the picture, you could put some snap shot, in time interval -- and put some words to explain (could put all pic in a zip file with file name showing time code)


thanks for share



xard, i've installed all necessary indicators and template and I keep getting an alert saying: "trial version has expired"

xard, i've installed all necessary indicators and template and I keep getting an alert saying: "trial version has expired"

copy this file to experts/indicators...