W D Gann Indicators and others - page 12


it has worked thanks



Yours also does not show up as per the screen-print of Rads - his does not only have the levels. I have the levels and must add that they are very accurate, even more so than the SQ9(price) which I have been using for the last year.

I just want to know the significance of the rest of his indicator, unless it is something other, such as Pitchfork, inw hich case I will feel a total "wheel"

Best wishes.


ValeoFX ,

your right , there is no channel , like in the other picture , it's probably

some other stand alone indicator or you think is it a portion of Rads indicator ?

I don't see in code any dark blue color for any channel coded in it.

It's probably all we've got .

Let's see if radatats will weigh in to clear things up a little bit




Great ChampionFX...really appreciate the help.

Thanks ValeoFX!

ValeoFX ,

your right , there is no channel , like in the other picture , it's probably

some other stand alone indicator or you think is it a portion of Rads indicator ?

I don't see in code any dark blue color for any channel coded in it.

It's probably all we've got .

Let's see if radatats will weigh in to clear things up a little bit



Thanks Champ, I also looked at the coding and could not find it. The Blue lines most certainly is the Pitchfork and he just highlited the areas where it touched the Gann-lines.

Enjoy your weekend ahead.


About 9sq indie

WOW! Thanks for the assistance helping each other out guys. I should have followed up earlier, sorry.

The blue lines are a Fibo Channel not a Pitchfork. I thought I said how I used the channel but your ideas with the Pitchfork are interesting too. The idea is to plot the channel BEFORE it occurs using the Gann levels and the Fibo Time.

Start your plot at the exact swing point you picked. The second point is at the intersection of the first time bar and the second, third or fourth gann line. The third point is always on the start time bar and the same number of lines up from the second point. In the pic I have circled the points. By the way, do this on the time frame you used to pick the swing point.

Interestingly the few times I have tried it, the median line of the pitchfork intersecting the channel makes for a decent target.

I have also attached a template with my own settings for the fibo channel. Saves you from having to try to reconstruct the fib channel the way I have it. Mine draws a channel with fib levels inside and out. Apply it to the GBPUSD 4hr, open the objects menu and edit the properties of the fib channel. If you change a color and then change it back to mine and close the properties box, your fib channel should now have my settings when you go to use it.


tools.tpl  4 kb
gbpusd_4hr.gif  57 kb

Here is another example of the fib channel and the pitchfork used together on a 1hr chart of the eurusd. On a 1hr chart I use the second gann line with the first time line. Remember, this could have been plotted as soon as the swing point was recognized and is totally independent of any subsequent price action.

Still quite remarkable how price ran down the channel and turned at the intersecting point.

eurusd_1hr.gif  27 kb

Here is a shot at the USDJPY 2115, Sunday nite, 6/1/08. Plotted using the swing high at 105.86. Lets see if it follows the channel down to the target area.

Also one of the GBPCHF on the 1hr. Lets see how they play out.



A little early but hit the target.

Here is GBPCHF too.


EURUSD 5min setup with ZigZag

eurusd_5min.gif  75 kb