THE BUY ZONE - TheRumpledOne - page 15


From your observation what have you seen as the best pairs?


ive been playin audjpy, cadjpy, eurjpy, usdjpy and gbpjpy. dont forget ive only been experimenting for 4 days.

i stopped trading the eurjpy cos commission is about double the other pairs except gbpjpy. i saw volatile moves in the cadjpy, but didnt trade it. the moves in audjpy were more steady and consistent. i didnt trade this either cos my focus was on the remaining 2 pairs. usdjpy is steady especially in the asian session, but again my main focus has been on gbpjpy. i saw 8 conseceutive buyzone wins which, if i traded them, could have netted me between 1 and 35 pips.

so as far as the best pair so far, gbpjpy is the one for me.

i must stress this tho. it is a very volatile pair and is certainly not for the faint hearted, if ur wary and ur account is small id stick with the steady consistent pairs. usdjpy and audjpy.

if u have a higher risk tolerance, gbpjpy is fun.


Your last post


You are correct the GBP/JPY can be a tiger @ times as I have traded it in the past. On Firday I watched the E/Y & E/GBP & saw some nice moves on both.

Was only able to spent a short time with this on Friday, but plan to dig deeper next week.

Can you tell me about having to do a reset on the indicator? My trading time starts @ 6:00am EST & usually stops @ 4:00pm & then @ times starts again @ 7:00pm until 11:00pm. This not everyday, but its indicative of my hours.

Thanks for your help & advise.



not sure what u mean. the buyzone resets itself every hour automatically. theres no manual resetting of the indicator $trader.

not that i know of anyway.


Hi $trader

Yeah i trade the buy zone using one hour charts, with 1min and 5 min for entry, as it is hard to see it on a 1 hour chart. I am working on some more Indicators at the moment. Tro shure has given me some inspiration for creating some new ideas. I hope to see him back here at tsd soon! I am shure he has lots to tell everybody...



In ref to the reset question I thought I had read on another forum that it needed to be reset on the hour, but now that I think about it that didn't make much sense. On Friday I didn't have the time to devote so I was not sure about the reset. Thanks for clarifying that.

I agree with your other post about this being free from THE RUMBLEDONE, as

some people will find fault with anything even if someone is trying to help. I have just been informed today that I'll need to be out of town Monday-Thursday evening on another business venture so I want be able to devote time to BZ until Thrusday evening. I look forward to hearing your results this week. Thanks for your help, views & comments.




Thanks for the reply. Tro does prompt one to think ahead & outside the box.

Look forward to hearing about what your working on. Looking @ the 1H, 15M & 5M is about what I did on Friday, but its seems using the 5M & 15M is the best. The one live trade I did on Friday was on the 15M tf. It produced +7 pips in just under 3 mins. I'm not a fan of the really short term trading, but not against it either as I have done it in the past. For me several hours to a max of 3 days is my preference. What I'm looking at is using the Bz for short term & keeping my current method which is a trendfollowing method that has a longer trade duration of only hrs - 3days with most closed in 12-24 hrs.

Any view & observation your willing to share is most welcomed by this trader.



Hello i have tested this system forward and backward, its really profitable.

Is There allready an EA for this system? If not please someone do it for us.




I am reading this over and as I understand that you wait for the candle hour to open

and then wait until price goes above or below by the by 3-4 pips? Assuming the range is at least x amount over the last 24 hours.... My question is how do you determine direction? and is this on every candle?


buyzone trade while i was bored waiting for a longer term trade.

bz entry was 209.20. exit was at the white line 209.08. 2 pip spread. net 10 pips. but get this. that was conservative. if i held on, which i usually do, i would have netted a further 8 pips. 18 pips net is not bad goin when u consider i didnt even have my heart in the trade.

u must take into account this is gbpjpy aswel tho.


tryin to uploads gbpjpy bz trade but uploader wont work. turned out to be a 27 pip trade. will post charts when i work out how to upload the other 2.