THE BUY ZONE - TheRumpledOne - page 16


i take an aggressive approach. 1st sign of red below the ope im short. 1st sign of green above open im long. this is probably not the ideal way, but it works for me. i also use other indications to help me make my decision to pull the trigger.

i take an aggressive approach. 1st sign of red below the ope im short. 1st sign of green above open im long. this is probably not the ideal way, but it works for me. i also use other indications to help me make my decision to pull the trigger.

where you been poking your finger?

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nice picture

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heres the other 2 charts following gbpjpy bz trade.

fxbs. should spend more time trading. might make some pips. LOL.


this BZ was for a quick 6pips l@.69 out @.75

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12:00AM CMT this BZ was tuff all the indes were pointing up but the price was having a hard time breaching .89 it droped to .84 for the BZ short and i covered at .69 it was good for +5

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It looks like people who actuallly trade the Buy Zone have shown all the naysayers that it works.

Nice work!!

But I thought the Buy Zone was a scam and I was preying on newbies? At least, that's what some people said.


13:00 CMT BZ was another tuff one the went aganist the indicators they were all pounting to a short but the BZ hit the top of the zone for a long trade l@.80 sold @.84 +4 that make the indicators rong 2 times in a row

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What indicators were pointing short?


hows this for a buyzone trade


Buyzone USD/JPY