Follow (Z_o_R_R_o) system by FXiGoR - page 13


On the hand ,these results sound too good to be true, but on the other, I have no reason to doubt what Igor says. Honestly, I still don't fully understand how it's supposed to work, but I'll spend more time with it this weekend.

Is there already a recording of a webinar on the Zorro method for those that couldn't join Paltalk/Tradingrooms ?


Nice system. Like TSR with ZZ.

What about ranging market ? Any results?

Is there already a recording of a webinar on the Zorro method for those that couldn't join Paltalk/Tradingrooms ?

No recording yet but i will record the webinar tomorrow. The webinar starts at US open.

Audio in PalTalk. Room name: Professional Trading Forex with video by fxigor

Video in: TradingRooms -> Community Trading Rooms -> TSR Video by FXiGoR

The recording will be posted here in the thread when it is ready. There will probably be some editing and work to do on the recording and that takes some time so i am not sure if i get the time to post it before the weekend but it will be posted as soon as i get the time.


THE WEBINAR WILL BE HELD FRIDAY AT 14.00CET or 12.00GMT in the video room at TRADINGROOMS.COM with video support. (room name "TSR video by fxigor").


On the hand ,these results sound too good to be true, but on the other, I have no reason to doubt what Igor says. Honestly, I still don't fully understand how it's supposed to work, but I'll spend more time with it this weekend. Is there already a recording of a webinar on the Zorro method for those that couldn't join Paltalk/Tradingrooms ?

Hi tradrlarry,

I have the same feeling as you have. But if you know me a little bit I would never post something that is fake or bullshit concerning results.

These results were based on all signals that happend during this week.

NO re-painting what so ever. NO discretionary elements what so ever.

If one would have traded ALL the signals that apeared during this week and 100% according the rules, you would have had the very same result.

There was not 1 trade (losing trade) that I rejected because of discretionary reasons.

There were all day long more then 30 people in the trading room. They all come from this forum because it is the only forum that this system is posted on.

So if someone who is sitting in the trading room and that reads here what I post, would not agree with what I claim... PLEASE he can speak out were I would post any kind of misleading information.

The webinar will be held tomorrow as I posted in previous postings.



iGor- very wise words, the markets have had great volatility over the past few days, thanks for your honest review of the system. Hope to see the webinar recording posted soon and many sincere thanks for sharing of your ideas. Lee

Nice system. Like TSR with ZZ. What about ranging market ? Any results?

Hi Flytox,

Today I said in the paltalk room: don't let these results make you go crazy.

Because the markets were VERY generous to us over the last few days and weeks.

What ever kind of system ( even a stupid system as the steinutz EA) would have performed very well over the last few days.

Every day we check the average daily ranges and today they were for most pairs nearly double. So that means that the market gives us a very big cakes. It is easy to cut out a nice slice if you have a big cake.

If you only receive a very small coffee cacke and you want to take a slice with that very same knife (your system) it will crum in to very small pieces ( = losses).

So I can't answer your question honestly or correct because the markets were very generours to us and I did not have any periods like we had between half january and june.

But I say every day in the room, that if we end up in the same markets conditions (between january and june) that you need to be prepaired to give back large chunks of profit.

I say even that one needs to be prepaired to give back a whole month of profit in a very bad month.

If one can make 1000pips a month you need to be prepaired to give back a 1000pips in a bad month.

If you would have a system that can make over 9 months period each month 1000 profit and you have 3 months that you give back each month 1000 pips you still end up with 6000 pips.

If you know that this can happen and you accept this then you adjust your leverage so it can not hurt you.

I say also that people don't have to expect to double up there accounts over 1 month.

You willl be able to do it in a very good period as we have know. But if you are capable of doing this over such a small period it is because you are way overleveraged. That means if we have the same period but in losses that you would burn your account.

Don't excpect to make 1000 pips in a week and that a bad week would only be 100 pips drawdown.

If one can make 1000pips in a week you shurly can lose 1000pips in a week...




Don't excpect to make 1000 pips in a week and that a bad week would only be 100 pips drawdown.

If one can make 1000pips in a week you shurly can lose 1000pips in a week...



Very smart, and so true.


Template and Indicators

Hi mpower,

First, congratulations for your trades.

i'm a little bit confused.

Do you use the original tpl and indicators from post #1?

Because my chart is different.

On your chart ( Post #112 ) i see more red and blue dots. Why?

Here is a trade on g/j. Entry and exit are marked with red lines. The stop was a bit too big, but that was due to the UK news that came out and caused that big spike up.

P.S. This trade was very risky, price just could've bounced off of the support and continued up to the pivot after all that crazy price action that preceeded this down move. That is why, I suggested moving stop to b/e when around support.

I am still short though, targeting 229.97, s/l is at b/e so this is a free trade.
Hi mpower,

First, congratulations for your trades.

i'm a little bit confused.

Do you use the original tpl and indicators from post #1?

Because my chart is different.

On your chart ( Post #112 ) i see more red and blue dots. Why?

Your chart seems to be correct so no reason to worry.


come on

Come on Arctic... Do you need some glasses? It is ridiculous how people blindfoldedly trust somebody and can not even tell black from white...

He is missing the NLD indicator... I am attaching it....



nonlagdot.mq4  5 kb