HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 165


Just to re-mind.

We are having this thread about evaluation of painting/repainting https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/177862

It is something about technical talking.

Any other talking may be done in this section with no problem https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general (it is not commercial section; it is not related discussion section). So in this https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general may be the following talking (by openning the theads):

- discussions about bad guys/good guys and so on;

- any emotional talking;

- any not related talking;

and so on.

Please keep the other sections for technical discussion.

Just for information.

You miss the point.

Because of your sarcastics and sinecly way and talking and talking with double tongues you provoce this.

You hide away behind smileys and so called jokes...

You talk in a way that afterworths it can be explained each way. But in the meantime you had the chance to say your thing.

Well not we me.

You were accusing me of releasing something were you had a hand in.

There is no such thing.

And about the negative elements...you turn it the other way around.

You and you friends tryed to jump on every little element that had nothing to do with the zorro system to accuse, spread lies and start controverse.

And don't try to again spread lies. You have made the first accusing posting in my topic then I PM' d you to say to you to back off and stay away.

At some point you come back were you say your self..I could not resist.

As I said...you did not contribute IN ANY WAY...Just jumped on the Idiots-Bus Why ?...so it give you a bit of a feeling to get even on me because of the feelings you have toworths me.

I gonna be straight forworth. I'm willing to leave like it is. Because it is behound idiotery... do the same.

And if next time you want some publicity after you see that most people left your topic then do it in the topic of someone else..You stay out of my way ..I stay out of yours.

You sow shit you gonna harvest it...

The least you can do is show a little bit of professional trading aproach. So if you find anything wrong about my system or the profits I claim to make or the losses I seem to forget you can come in my room topic whatever and point me out to it in an underbuild way. Not in a way..your results are fake. I will do the same.

This way THe peolple will only benefit from this. So they know that authors of topics do a quality check on eachothers claims or devellopments.

Maybe you would prefer to stay away from eachother for the rest of time..well I want and I will NEVER.

If someone is spreading crap and deceiving people on his system or the results he post I will come forworth..you can DO THE SAME...

it wil keep us both sharp and concentrated...

Nice weekend..iGoR


You still have NOT done what I have requested you to do. Is that too much to ask? Once again, I DID NOT ACCUSE YOU OF ANYTHING. Please get that in your thick head. At least you are now admitting that you were the first one to PM me. That's settled then.

If you have done what I have asked you earlier, we could have settled that one issue, too, once and for all. Please make every effort to do that over the weekend. Our readers need to know, too.

HAHAHA! You are making me laugh good. That's good though. I need publicity like I need a hole in my head. I actually live a very private, low profile, enjoyable life. Publicity is the last thing I would crave for. I have been there and done that. Trading is not the only thing I have done successfully.

You don't know me at ALL, so once again get off your personal attack horse. You have been using some very harsh and strong words in your posts.

Oh, I am not gonna look for something wrong with your system. There are enough people who will do that. I will look for something GOOD in your system and I have posted to that effect. Read my posts there again. You don't even want to see the good things in your thread. WHY? You have asked me to scratch you back, remember? I do that and you still want me to be the bad guy at the same time. WOW!

Anyhow, please do what little things I have asked you to do. Do us that favor, please.

PS. And about my English..try to make yourself understandeble in Dutch Flemish French and English the way I do and I will be the first to say well done instead of slamming around your ears with a dictionary or picking on writing mistakes or details that are completely beside the point.

iGoR, if in any event I find myself in that situation I will use a translation dictionary and most of all I will ask for help from those who can speak, read, and write both languages. Don't forget, English is not my native language either. I wasn't picking on your writing mistakes, in fact, I was ignoring most of it except those words that ARE relevant to the POINT of discussion to insure that we are talking about the same thing. That's ALL. My apology if that was you impression; it wasn't intended to be that way. But honestly, lately, it's been getting to me just because you do not want to understand our point of discussion on me accusing you of COPYING AND STEALING issue.

ENJOY! It's Friday, it's time!



Here's an early Asian STO opener. Notice how Z CREST behave within the PAD. Zip Zap Za Pips +21 for now on demo account. Hey, that would be a nice title for a new thread - ZIP ZAP ZA PIPS with Ziggy. Hmmmmmm! Let me think about that.





Wasn't fridays low 232.37 ?


Nice Trade

Pretty looking Chart EJ!!!! Way to ZIp Zappy the Pips! A nice way to start the week for sure!

Wasn't fridays low 232.37 ?

You are right, WannaBeATrader. I was referring to the low towards the close of Friday session where the SELLERS were not successful at all in making a new low. I stand corrected as fars as the daily low. Nonetheless, the particular price level low at the close of the session is part of the AREA to be taken into consideration.

You will notice that in the last few minutes, the BEARS have not taken the price level much lower while the BULLS continue to move the high higher. Again, thanks for bringing that up.





No problem, just trying to understand what I am looking at. Nice charts.


Here is an update of the GBPJPY trade. The last ziggy leg for the upside was traded on live account.




Waiting for your email

To all traders who have requested to join the HAMA Traders Lounge through Google Groups and are currently pending and awaiting approval since August 10, I will be sending you an email for more information within the next 72 hours. Again, I appreciate your patience and understanding. Please continue to remain patient; it will be well worth it.

Please understand that HAMA Traders Lounge is not for everybody. Our private group is not a mass recruiting machine for "wanna be traders" as I am not selling you anything nor will I be pampering/spoon feeding you; no EAs. I am not interested in your $50 quarterly subscription but I do require that minimal financial contribution; I am interested in YOU and in what you can become as a trader, if you qualify. If you just want to be in a trading room or a private group, there are others you can join in. Not this one. You will be trying out to be in our team so you will be expected to co-learn, do a lot of reading and work, work, work. So you wanna be a trader, you have to do what it takes to become not just a trader but a successful, profitable trader. You want FREEDOM! Our system has been proven to generate consistent profit for those who are willing to learn how to use it properly. One more thing, if you just want the indicators, save your time and money, you can find them on your own somewhere and put together your own system. I use few proprietary indicators others were just "tweaked, twisted, and turned" with personalized settings and other cosmetic adjustments to be in synch with our trading system and methods.

I do not take everybody who applies nor do I keep everybody who joins. Everyone goes through a sort of filtering process and completely self-elimination. I use positive and negative forces to test your determination, among your other traits and characteristics.

Anyhow, keep checking your email inbox within 72 hours. You will be expected to respond immediately.



Waiting for your email to renew the subscription...ikondubai@gmail.com


Here is the final chart update on the GBPJPY on Z CREST STOs for the Asian session. I have previously closed the demo trade at net +46 pips and the live account at net +60 pips, closed at this last BULLS drive. This series of chart presentation is for educational purposes only. The usual disclaimer applies. I hope this has been helpful to our readers and members on how to look and read charts as it relates to PRICE - AREA - DIRECTION [PAD] while at the same time using some readily available indicators, i.e. zigzag, support and resistance, fibonacci levels, etc.


