Traders joking, the beginning - page 82




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blu-ray SONY player alert ----------------------------- damn vatican idiots

change all the Z into Y -- easier to use italian or dutch keyboard this way

one day, goldman sachs and barclay capital

talk about collaboration to move 10 pip of the market

the damn idiots from vatican wanna to STEAL the few pips away --- therefore, they took ( catholic never buy high technology stuff ) and use the shit-skin-color lady to show the latest blu-ray to the trading floor of those 2 biggies in forex

at the end, catholic set up a broker bond shop and called it italian elderly citizen bonds, who accept all savings and set up a lottery ( lotto ) who the winning number IS PRAYED to be the last 2 digits of the 4 digits of the forex

the essence of this story is

--- catholic don´t buy stuff, just jealousy lead them to steal stuff

-- vaticanthinks thez could distract trading floor people so their twits come true in the next hour of forex

--- dont use your saving and put in the name of the trusting god for catholic church, if jesus slam the churches religios people, jesus might say

what the fuuuuccck is the new revision of the NEW 10 commandment, does 1 in the oldie stone said ßßß DO NOT STEAL, damn the vatican who preach for the crimson skirt to shop with 5 fingers



Coding lesson 0.1:

"//" (a comment in code (mql too))

Agents travelling overseas ...

No one will want to be an Agent in this case.


New rules

New Secret service rules : BBC News - Secret Service Colombia scandal prompts new rules

Among other things :

Agents travelling overseas will be banned from drinking on duty, visiting "disreputable establishments" and bringing foreigners into hotel rooms.

So, till now they weren't ("banned from") ? :):)


Border control.

- who are you?

- I am Agent.

- what are you doing?

- I am travelling overseas.

- please sign classified paper that you can not drink ...

- who are you?

- I am not an Agent.

- what are you doing?

- I am travelling overseas.

- please sign classified paper that you can drink ...

just a point of signature to some classified paper which no one will see after.


BBC News - Secret Service Colombia scandal prompts new rules

Agents travelling overseas will be banned from drinking on duty, visiting "disreputable establishments" and bringing foreigners into hotel rooms.

Yes I can see it now.

A Colombia drug lord being approched by a new client to buy 10 kelos.


"So you want to buy 10 Kelos from me.. well lets go to my friends place and have a beer with her. We' ll meet her at 'Paper Dolls' its a low end Gentlemens Club. She'll go to your hotel room make the deal there after."


"O no I cant do that any more."


"What do you mean you cant." BANG! BANG! "Dam Secret Service men when will they learn"




The bar.

- one beer please.

- who are you?

- I am an Agent.

- do you have fully classified paper that you can not?

- yes, Sir.

- take you beer.

- one beer please.

- who are you?

- I am not an Agent.

- do you have fully classified paper that you can?

- no sorry.

- no beer: only the persons with fully classified paper are surved in the bar.


Sometimes, being quick witted will get us out of trouble.

TEACHER:Why are you late?

STUDENT:Class started before I got here.




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