Traders joking, the beginning - page 717

The dating app Tinder is now available on Apple TV. Tinder on television — so now a room full of people can judge you based solely on your looks.

We can teach kids there’s no i in team, but it’s way more important to teach them that theres no a in definitely.

Facebook is testing a new group phone call feature that will let you talk on the phone with up to 50 friends at once. If you want to try it, you go to Facebook, you click on “Features,” and then select “Living Nightmare.”

Haircuts are great because I do none of the work but get all the credit.

Health officials say there’s a new trend of women using marijuana during their pregnancy. This has given rise to another new trend — babies choosing to just stay in the womb and chill.
Walmart will close two hours earlier this year on Christmas Eve, at 6:00. Yeah, but the meth lab in the bathroom will stay open until 9:00.