Traders joking, the beginning - page 132


our fantasy when we are holding a losing forex transaction


""Money can't buy me love." -The Beatles and Mitt Romney"



not entirely correct...if all votes were counted...

""Money can't buy me love." -The Beatles and Mitt Romney"

If both of them spent the money they spent on a campaign on something "insignificant" (for example : unemployment) there would be a lot of happy people. This way there is one happy and one sad man. And none of those two knows (read : they don't care) the human math

not entirely correct...if all votes were counted...

Spiky today

spiky.gif  15 kb

"We find peace when we realize some people are not meant to be hated. Just forgotten."



Mladen...can you take a look at the code?:)...I think voting machines were repainting:)


I have no doubt we were ‘Stuxnetted’.

But I really don’t believe the Chinese would have had to go to such lengths, since the administration has been almost singularly focused on voter fraud since day one.

The buying of allegiance from illegal aliens through amnesty, the suppression of Voter ID laws…it goes on and on.

As a software engineer, I can’t convey how simple it is to develop an algorithm that would yield the results we see. The only way to know is to look at the code. But, you’d have to look at ALL the code. I’m unfamiliar with these voting machines, but I’ll give you a couple possible scenarios:

1) Suppose, for a moment, that the code running on the machines was the correct code, but was being run by a parent process. The parent process has access to all the variables in the code and changes the values of critical variables. Easy to do.

2) The application almost certainly uses a built-in database–probably something like postgresql, mysql or sqlite. Depending upon how the database is secured or encrypted, a script could either simulate a vote via sql injection or directly query, update or insert data into database tables. This is also a possible scenario.

There are many ways to skin a cat but, as I’m unfamiliar with these machines, I couldn’t say how they did it unless I could get ‘under the hood’.

Even if all rogue scripts, history, etc., were removed, I imagine ghost images could be found, but that would require the skills of a computer forensics expert."



here is something for statistic lovers...:) Pundit Press: What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote in_fucking_NOT_credible!


A question : what would you say to any accounting not noticing this - Ex-Goldman Trader Accused of Hiding $8.3 Billion Position - Bloomberg ? Would you give them your money? Now or ever.