Traders joking, the beginning - page 127


"I'll give Donald Trump $5 when he confesses to the Tea Party that the thing on his head has been killin' their chickens."



"Home sales are up. That's certainly good news. Do you know the most expensive home for sale in the country right now? The White House."



so it's missing... My Blog


try to watch the WHEEL OF MONEY episode , more related to forex, but this is hilariou


sandy is the triple hurricane that could change the financial city as we know it --- probably the 2012 apoclyapse biggest that we could ever wish for FIREWORK this year

the News channel got the beach thundering sea wave sound -- very loud indeed -- digital LED tv only -- when we can switch to another sound channel for the PinP small screen for live beachy picture

zone A already become evacuable in NYC

forex still very deliquent ranging, I bet wrong (direction) on AUDCHF earlier today, now I am having few demo dollars



self inflicted broken vertebrae........ Kids Murdered by Nanny in ny *** Nanny Suffered Broken Vertebrae


They went to unusual place:

The company said it has shipped ore via that route before, and there was nothing unusual in shipping it by the sea.