Traders joking, the beginning - page 111


Obama has gone from "Yes we can." to "I'm sorry. No one can."



When I read first 3 words "Obama has gone" I got excited for a split second...o'h well:)

Obama has gone from "Yes we can." to "I'm sorry. No one can."

A woman in Tampa, Florida, who is in danger of being foreclosed on, put a giant sign on her roof reading, "Obama, please save my home." To which Obama said, "Hey lady, I'm trying not to get thrown out of my own house, OK?"



Mladen...We need a kick-ass indicator to turn the tide Intrade - Barack Obama to be re-elected President in 2012



"The U.N. has opened up. Leaders of countries from all over the world have come here. They have diplomatic immunity so they can do stuff and get away with it. It's like Lindsay Lohan."