Traders joking, the beginning - page 425

Evil hackers have figured out how to get photos that are private property and they're selling them. It's a felony. Naked photos of Kim Kardashian were hacked and I thought, Well, she's naked on her driver's license, so how big a deal is that, honestly?


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Chris Christie has to brush up on foreign policy, so he went to Mexico. Remember when he was in Africa? He was followed by ivory poachers. Now he's in Mexico, and he was taunted by a matador.


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Texas Senator Ted Cruz has invited President Obama to play golf on the U.S.-Mexico border. Cruz thought it was a funny way to point out problems the president hasn't fixed yet. While Obama said, “So are we playing or not?”


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Police in California are looking for a thief who has stolen from the same Costco four different times. They say it could take months, or even years to find him — you know, because he's still in the Costco.


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The weather is changing in L.A. It is hot here. How hot is it? Just yesterday, the cloud started raining nude celebrities.


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