Traders joking, the beginning - page 108

"do boli" like this :):)

I don't think you qualify for that jog Mladen. I think Pava is the only one who is known to have unsuspecting house hold objects dress up in high heels. You know lamps and such.




Trying to be funny?..(be careful).....

I don't think you qualify for that jog Mladen. I think Pava is the only one who is known to have unsuspecting house hold objects dress up in high heels. You know lamps and such. Ish
If you owe them $1 what happens? They show their perfect accounting and perfect debt collecting.

If someone of them is "working" what happens?

And they did not know it till the sum reached that $2.3bn

BBC News - UBS trader Kweku Adoboli 'gambled away' £1.4bn

accounting with shuffling attitude -- hard to get the sinopec sonytec business going

they are talking the jokes that are so hard to understand , as other people don't follow the business news

just like some people thinking sticking to the influx of cash, then they could get a commission percentage, YES, if you are visa or master ; nope if you stick to the cash drawer of a shop

oooh, I am not talking any jokes, more jokes could be found in comedian channel of USA or Canada


1 less joke, have some thought on it

this is an analog

many years ago, forex is just for trading floor bankers in various bank

just like in the past, we got many TV channels -- now we have youtube and bloomberg etc

let say a new tv channel, that 1 of the satellite audio channel get occupied by malicious sound man of another establish tv channel

just like -- now the forex is open for retail trader

with persistent disruption and annoyance, that is BAD

i.e. only with resources like youtube or bloomberg, only THEY could find out who those disruptive force are


for retail traders, someone out there must entry with you at the same moment, while direction of the choice could be different

at the end, do you think you or the guy that got the opposite direction will win

or just like another gypsy theme park --- hard to win those game though

therefore, does not matter how hard you try or you gain the knowledge that you never did know, the game for you could be the same at different stage, only the velocity could be different

---- game could be nasty, when old channel does not want new tv channel to win !



Just to clarify : the task is to make the COMPUTER get up and walk on water in high heels (not the coder - otherwise it would be too easy :):))

do_bola.gif  9 kb



ya, the latest news in bloomberg are

which stock, which section, which international market to fish, until QE3 roll out


the best way to test the success chance % of forex would be

Have 2 MT4, 2 demo account

one buy, the other sell, i.e. stick your own intuition of direction with 1 account; another just if you doing the opposite

if both accounts lost money, then it could be a funny hoax


sleeping ...


As usual : now they are "deciding" was it $2.3 or $3.57 billion UBS Accountant First Found Adoboli Trading Discrepancies - Bloomberg

If you owe them $1 what happens? They show their perfect accounting and perfect debt collecting.

If someone of them is "working" what happens?

And they did not know it till the sum reached that $2.3bn

BBC News - UBS trader Kweku Adoboli 'gambled away' £1.4bn


Jimmy Fallon :

"Happy Birthday to Prince Harry, who will turn 28 years old tomorrow. And if you want to get him a gift — you can’t go wrong with pants."