What Really Works From One Professional - page 86


Yeah, I generally import 60 min data into Elwave. I get better results that way. I didn't find much use for the real-time analysis. Results didn't change enough to make it useful in my opinion. I look for 4 or more EASI of same direction. If you analysis about 8 pairs, you can usually find one or two that fit that criteria.


Hey 006 would you use a MEDIAN today because I see perfect set for it???



Not a whole lot of momentum, so far



Did it just draw a bearish V?


Cable: Too choppy

Its too choppy at this time. Took a small short: 7 pips

Going to back to bed. We'll see if it breaks support, and breaches week's low.


Presentation and start

Hi ya all,

I wanted first of all to introduce myself to the forum and this thread.

I was reading some post here and there on the forum for a while. Then I quit reading the forum because the most of posts I read were about asking or finding an EA to make zillions trading the FX. (each one has his own way to find his way to trade and I have nothing against those EA'ers)

I just wasn't looking for that as I wanted (still want lol) to become a REAL trader with REAL feellings and controlling my fear and greed to make money as we all want I think.

Anyways, I found this thread (can't remember how I start reading it in the first place lol) and it has took me about 3 days to read it entirely (come'on I have a job, YET! LOL). I was so enthusiastic reading it at the beggining, learning all what I could post to post, I watched how it started a metamorpheusis (no offense lol) and then how it has cooled again and back to his better shape that is to support and learn together to develop OUR OWN PERSONAL WAY TO TRADE the FX wich best suits our personality and our weaknesses and strongs.

(BTW: sorry about my english as it is not my native language)

Altough I haven't been able yet to fully learn and test all the new concepts I must thank all of you guys who have posted your graphs and knowledge and have contributed to the thread with positive and helpfull comments. SPECIAL THANKS to JD for his support, time, effort, knowledge, etc that he has posted here and his intention to help and educate others.

Also, I know maybe it has passed some time, but since I read all the thread from the last 3 days, it is fresh for me and I must not let this unspoken. I am really sorry and want to give my condolences to those who has lost a close person during the existence of this thread. Pica, JD, Jimmy, please accept my condolences and my thoughts are with you all.

Well, that said I will try to participate and keep learning by myself and from here. Also, if there is something I can contribute with, I will be more than happy to do it. Eventhough I have LOST my first TWO deposit to my account

and I am in the way to lose the third LOL LOL (I hope not and I will battle and study to death to control my fellings and get in the winning game) (and don't worry, I haven't traded with too much money since I am learning)

PS: I will start asking on next posts about some doubts I have still.

(OH MY GOD! CABLE RAISED TO 505 AND I DIDN'T TRUSTED THE "V"). (or should I say haven't learned all about it yet lol)

PS2: Sorry for my LONG post but I had to say all this. This thread is so inspiring lol lol



Anyone know why it went up today? Was it just the 2nd leg of the "V" or was it Wave 1 of a new Elliot wave?


The V was thre

Hi Morpheus,

I am attaching my graph where you can see I have marked two V's.

The last one was the one of the move up as you note.

JD, I know from your posts that the forms with the first two moves.

Here, I must ask JD or anyone who knows about the V.

How do I recognize this V?? Applying the 2 moves, I thought the V was the green one, so I shorted. But then formed another V wich was the real one (wich then I was too afraid to trade )

I was not really sure and was paralized just seeing the pair going up and up thinking it was going to stop.

I think all that is because I am not in control of my emotions yet. BUT I WILL!!!! lol

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my trades last night

i placed two trades last night

live trade: At the beginning i felt that the larger trend was for the cable to drop again. At the frankfurt open we had a drop down to 1.8391 in the first 18 minutes then we saw a rise to 1.8421 until 8:35. at this point i felt that we would get another reversal i placed a sell at 1.8410 on the 8:37 candle. i felt that the price was at a fairly high point within the existing trend. at this point there was no real direction and the price went against me all the way up to 1.8425. i changed my stoploss up as the price came back to me and was eventually stopped out for a gain of 8 pips at 1.8402.

demo trade :

i was way too tired to stay up for the markets. i live in the pacific time zone. Nuff said. At this point i felt that the markets had done their shimmy for the opening and that the next move would be the real one. i drew what i perceived would be the channel that theprice could play around in before the next move. At 10:38 i placed pending orders buy stop at 1.8417

and sell stop at 1.8388. each with a stop loss of 20 and a take profit of 38 pips. then i went to bed i woke up this morning up 38 pips. buy triggered and closed.

please some commentary is what is going through my mind good perception? most of my thinking is done looking at raw graphs drawing lines on 1 minute charts. I also use a 1 hr sidus template which is just a 5,12,18,28 ema combination. to provide me with perspective. how am i doing?

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