What Really Works From One Professional - page 29


Well done that man,,,


There are always critics !!!! I for one am totally impressed by the PUDDIN!!

I told you would be popular on this site, and I called it correctly. You have taught me more in the last 2 weeks then I have in the last 4 years of trying to learn this business. Cause thats what it is, a business. For those who think they can win at this game, well game over. This market will eat you ALIVE

I have friends who blew their entire accounts from a black box training, and that is not the way of trading this market. It will take TIME, WATCHING, LEARNING, EXPERIENCE, and most of all HUMILITY............And more watching, and watching, and watching. Sit back and just learn. Dont try to beat the market, cause guess what? You lose.......

You think multi million dollar money managers are gonna let little traders like us rule the market, no way. You think investors like Warren Buffet who can moves these markets care, no way. JD said one thing that has stuck, go where the SMART MONEY is. (I hope I quoted you correctly!)

What freaking proof?? In the last 2 months I have doubled my account.

Listen and learn friends........



You know a man once told me, "you can learn an awful lot just sitting by the roadside watching the world go by". Yeah you cant win this game but as you have found, fuck you can take a big slice of it..You have dont have to be smart, you have to be humble You cant get mad or even, you have to respect the market and it will treat you kindly. Never chase, let it come to you and you will be in control...Not getting it right all of the time is part of trading, learning to accept this is the very first part to a good trading career..Frustration is part of it, control is part of it. I know there will be critics, of course there will be and i for one dont mind, But if they will insist at least do it with the decency, integrity and belief of what they are saying and not because they want to cry because they have lost money and are too scared of themselves to trade...You have to know yourself before commencing or find it on the way...I've been trading for a long, long time, everyone has there style, but its not fucking rocket science and theres only one style....if you can find it, and pika you said it.."go where the smart money goes"....cos if you dont we'll all get wipped sawed like the poor lamb aragooon....................

Once again, for all of those who have put an enormous amount of hard work, time, effort and patience....well done, it will all come together like peices of a jigsaw puzzle, its there right infront of you to take, it just takes me to see it and put it all to into some recognizable format so you can understand...


A passion for short walks and long haired monkeys

The only thing i could say is:

Thanks so much for the help, for the support, for all you are doing!

Another thing, could you send me your email? (by PM if you prefer)[/QUOT

You know the thing is how this thread came about.. I was fed up of seeing people like 006 and aragoon come on, sprout shit phliosophies about the market, not actually proving anything, not actually saying anything new and to cap it off, not prepared to put their money where their mouth is..( sorry the lamb aragoon cant he hasnt got any).To stand up and be counted.

For those that are begining to undertand, you are more than welcome to my help, because you are trying to help yourself.

Jonnydenver8 at toughguy dot net


I'm glad what you're doing is working for ya. Good job. you missed the part where I said I blew up 'demo' accounts. I do follow risk management. You sure took what I said and ran with it. If everything I said is a load of crap to you, it's your filter in play, if it works for you great. I just thought cooperation might be possible. I'll adapt my filters as needed.


oh my oh my...

I'm glad what you're doing is working for ya. Good job. you missed the part where I said I blew up 'demo' accounts. I do follow risk management. You sure took what I said and ran with it. If everything I said is a load of crap to you, it's your filter in play not mine.

Listen you said it in one word "DEMO, DEMO, DEMO" when you are live trading, consistently then you deserve your say on here....Otherwise button it....I had a look at your last post, some EMA cross, thats it play it nice and safe, easy does it, fuck me next you'll be knocking shapes through the holes........did you forget waht you said " balance is what iam looking for and iam not seeing it on this thread"...well look else where..........


interesting, ok

Listen you said it in one word "DEMO, DEMO, DEMO" when you are live trading, consistently then you deserve your say on here....Otherwise button it....I had a look at your last post, some EMA cross, thats it play it nice and safe, easy does it, fuck me next you'll be knocking shapes through the holes........did you forget waht you said " balance is what iam looking for and iam not seeing it on this thread"...well look else where..........

thanks for your help

thanks for your help

Please dont try and wriggle out of it insisting that you were just looking for my help and in the scheme of it insinuating that i have mistreated you in anyway.. I have done nothing but help people on here, if you traded you'd be in the chatroom if you wanted to collaborate....But not one dot of anything you have said is of any collaboration.. anyway, end of it..

ok thankyou...chatroom?

Sorry, but choose your words more carefully next time..

Please dont try and wriggle out of it insisting that you were just looking for my help and in the scheme of it insinuating that i have mistreated you in anyway.. I have done nothing but help people on here, if you traded you'd be in the chatroom if you wanted to collaborate....But not one dot of anything you have said is of any collaboration.. anyway, end of it..

ok thankyou...chatroom? ummmmmm could you give me directions?

Sorry, but choose your words more carefully next time..

i'm sorry too. Please forgive me. I didn't mean you havn't help others. That wasn't what I thought I was saying. I just liked what 006 had to say it made sense to me. I apparently have read just enough of this thread to get into trouble.