CatFx50 - page 162


Was this a valid Sinal?

Hi all

Can you guys and girls tell me if this sinal was valid? I'm still working my way around this wonderfull trading system. Thanks in advance

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Hi all

Can you guys and girls tell me if this sinal was valid? I'm still working my way around this wonderfull trading system. Thanks in advance

Hi, Angel!

I'm not at home. I like to see signals on bar charts. But looking at your chart, the signal is a right one.

Btw, CatFX50 has given today again a lot of pips. I'll make a recap later on.



kalenzo, ca u tell me what should I change not to recieve the audio notification on the indicator ind inverse histogram v2?

Thank you in advance.


Hi Nina,

thanks for your feedback.

My cable long this morning:Nina: "This was a bad trade not validated by CatFX50. There was no signal. The only right signals till 12:00cet were the ones I posted. And EURUSD in any case hit stop of 34 pips."mibl: Yes you're right - this was not a correct CatFX signal. I was too early and entered a trade because of I "thought the signal will come" the next bar. I imagined it is safe because of EURUSD was in a light long mode since the morning --> Wrong conclusion, wrong decision and I got the penalty!

That's the good thing in trading - if you are not disciplined you get the penalty on a very direct way.

Nina: "We are humans, friend, therefore we hesitate, we doubt, we sweat and so on. Our greed and fear moves the market: greed and fear. Avoid discretionary decisions. You say: as eurusd is long, I buy cable: WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we have signals, we have signals. If we look at charts, we look at charts, otherwise we bet.

I said something about correlation between pairs above.

mibl: It was not "the eurusd is long so I entered cable long". I am sorry, it seems that I have not described it correctly. The reason for entering this trade I have explained above.This "eurusd is long" seems to be an additional confirmation for a wrong decision.

But even with that fault I made some pips today.mibl: I have two other questions because of your statement about discretions.

1.) As I (thought to) understand your usage of catFX, you are influenced by the surrounding when you enter a trade too - I am wrong? What significance do pivots, ressitance levels, trendlines have for you at the entry level?

2.) Actually I am a little bit unsecure about trailing the initial stop. Do you have an advice when to trail the stop to entry? Sometimes I think I am to fast. Trade runs 10/12 pips in positive area then I trail on entry. What's your experience - is that enough to trail the stop? Do you let the trade eventually come back in a temp. negative area (assumed that the signal is still alive)?

Best regards


Hi Nina,


mibl: I have two other questions because of your statement about discretions.

1.) As I (thought to) understand your usage of catFX, you are influenced by the surrounding when you enter a trade too - I am wrong? What significance do pivots, ressitance levels, trendlines have for you at the entry level?

2.) Actually I am a little bit unsecure about trailing the initial stop. Do you have an advice when to trail the stop to entry? Sometimes I think I am to fast. Trade runs 10/12 pips in positive area then I trail on entry. What's your experience - is that enough to trail the stop? Do you let the trade eventually come back in a temp. negative area (assumed that the signal is still alive)?

Best regards


Hi, Mibl!

I have the same human illness: insecurity. You are not alone. Insecurity makes us to enter late and sometimes it makes us not enter at all. And when the pair goes up 30 pips we decide to jump in and then it reverses and we lose. You, we will never know in advance if a signal when given it'll be a right one. NEVER. We can just look at the past and then we see that a system is good or is bad. All I know is that CatFX50 is a good one so far.

I'm influenced by the surrounding. Of course, I am. I fight against that though. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I do not. Pivots for me are important and last highs or lows and L3-L4 and H3-H4 cam levels. Each single trade is different. Today I sold USDCHF at 1.3120 and pivot was at 1.3113. So, it could have stopped at pivot. But it was a good and clear regular CatFX50 signal. I sold it with my finger ready to close it once at pivot if I saw hesitation.

It was a nice one, a very nice short. I closed at 1.3100 for a +20 pips. I sold it again at 1.3075. I closed have at 1.3025, the other have I'm going to do it in a few minutes.

Sold cable too at 1.7505. Closed half at 1.7485. The other half had an initial target at 1.7469. Ok, I do not know why I'm telling here my trades.

About trailing: I place stop at b/e when I'm +15 or I close half. I like to scale. If there is a rush, I try to go with big pockets. I look at FiboPivots too.

Mibl, the same song, CatFX50 gives very nice entries. Each trader must set up his rules once in a trade.




Today's RECAP:

EURUSD, buy at 1.1935 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.2045. + 110 pips.

We had a level 2 buy at 1.1940 (15:00cet).

USDCHF, sell at 1.3120 (08:30cet). Made a low at 1.2969. + 151 pips.

GBPUSD, sell at 1.7505 (09:30cet). Made a low at 1.7433. + 72 pips.

GBPUSD, buy at 1.7504 (17:30cet). Made a high at 1.7549. +45 pips.

TOTAL= + 378 pips.



Hi Nina,

thanks for this support.

One question about terminology in your answer - I dont know it: L3-L4 and H3-H4 means the third an fourth last low (last high) ?

best wishes


Hi Nina,

thanks for this support.

One question about terminology in your answer - I dont know it: L3-L4 and H3-H4 means the third an fourth last low (last high) ?

best wishes



They are camarilla levels.



Today's RECAP:

EURUSD, buy at 1.1935 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.2045. + 110 pips.

We had a level 2 buy at 1.1940 (15:00cet).

USDCHF, sell at 1.3120 (08:30cet). Made a low at 1.2969. + 151 pips.

GBPUSD, sell at 1.7505 (09:30cet). Made a low at 1.7433. + 72 pips.

GBPUSD, buy at 1.7504 (17:30cet). Made a high at 1.7549. +45 pips.

TOTAL= + 378 pips.


Hi Nina,

do you know how much pips you did in February? And do you, would you trade live with compounding, so that you don`t earn only $2 per hours ?

Great thread, thanks a lot



Yesterday Trades

Hi Nina

I was watching the recap for yesterday trades and there is one trade that i dont get it 100%. Is the USDCHF, sell at 1.3120 (08:30cet). Made a low at 1.2969. + 151 pips. Why did you took that trade since the main indicator "StepMa Stoch" the yellow line was above the blue? Thanks in advance