How to be disciplined

25 September 2014, 17:42
Tomas Valko

All beginers and traders who are here or are reading this you should take a paper and pen and ask yourself these questions.

Lets forget about SLs TPs and strategies and whatever more.

What generaly makes us to fear !

1.Pressure to make money
2.Pressure of loosing money
3.The fact that markets are nowadays unstable
4.Difficulty of controling ourselfs because of market movements
5.Difficulty of absorbing such a quantum of information floating to us

I cant tell you how to be discipled but only thing i can is to give you some kind of plot how to make it !According to this this article will be full of questions!

The right beginning is to realize : " What is the reason why im trading?"  ( easy answer : "because of money !" :D - joke)

The second one is if you can commited yourself -took this questions

- how much money do i want to earn ?
- how long will it take me to earn the money ?
- what do you need to do for taking this target ?
- how much capital do you need?

Before you go into the trade you should ak yourself :

- what amount of capital am i willing to risk in one trade?
- what will be my exit point ?
- if a lost given amount of money do i retreat?

What should we ask when we loose our concentration?

- what are the aspects that cannot alow you to moving forward in your trading ?
- what are you afraid of ?
- what is the life principle that gets you in such action?
- what is your trade histori and if it holds you back from succesfull trading?
- how do your self-doubts limit your possibilities?
- when you loose money on trade, do you consider whether you failed to formulate your plans to ensure that the trade was succesfull ?
- Are you willing to commit to your goal as through there are no alternatives?

What must /should we realize to be succesfull trader ?

1 . Use your talents for trading
2. Get to work earlier
3.Write on the paper everythink what you need to that trade (for not to forget sth)
4. Study details of your trading
5. Make daily goals
6. Workout daily question queez after trading to mastermind your concentration
(to know if you were concentrated or not)
7.Learn to go beyond your usual style

And what about the fear ?

1 identifi what makes you to be fear or panic
2.determine what makes you feel safe during your trading
3.If you are not succefull admit that you need a help (please dont try to be a lone wolf)
4.Set achievable goals that do not makes you fear
5.Vizualize the future and goals (grafical eg.)

You can create such many many many many quesitons to yourself . The most important is to search what makes us undisciplined.
Trading must be funny and you should feel confortable - i will give you one BIG good advice really , buy a simple note or write it to the computer - write about your feelings during trading and try to find out what makes you unconfortable.

!REMENBER! analyze what makes you unconfortable .

Dont hesitate and ask whatever.

Have a nice day