Looking back at the year 2014

21 December 2014, 16:18
Forex Technical Analyst Trader
In the year 2014 a demo account was created and evaluated for the FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid strategy. The plan was to use the 4 Hour and Daily chart but after some testing it appeared that the Daily chart was more suitable for the trading method used. This method also uses the Ranking and Rating List and the Currency Score. Besides this of course the TA charts of the specific pair plays an important role.

The testing took about 6 months and after that a Live account was opened which showed the success of this approach. It was a good year where a lot of progress has been made. It is also a year where a lot of articles have been made and these can be used for reference purposes in the future.

The Ranking and Rating list was first published in october 2013 and looked like this:

A lot has changed since then and the Ranking and Rating list was fine tuned during the year of 2014. After that the Currency Score was developed and fine tuned. With this information it also became possible after several months to create the Currency charts for a specific currency or pair and also for the stronger, weaker and average performing currencies. The first articles published in the beginning of 2014 are significantly different compared to more recent articles. The information from the Ranking and Rating list and the Currency Score is well implemented in the current articles and the strategy. For more information check any recent article on my blog.

In the beginning the plan was to use the Ranking and Rating list for the 4 hour and Daily chart. While using the available information during the year it became clear that it works fine for using the Daily chart for timing the trades and the Weekly chart for the trading decisions. The fact that the 4 hour chart is being used in the calculation offers a certain benefit. It offers the alternative of using fast indicators in the Daily chart while being more accurate than these fast indicators. This is at the same time the explanation why using the MACD with the Ichimoku is sufficient.

With this knowledge and experience a big brother has been created, the Monthly Ranking and Rating list. This list comes also with the Monthly Currency score and all the other charts which are also available with the Weekly strategy. The Monthly strategy has been tested during the second half of this year and is still under evaluation.

During this year the FxTaTrader Forex Models have been introduced which is the general information needed to understand how it all works. Besides this the blog has been updated frequently with useful information about the indicators being used and the strategy etcetera.

The articles are published on many websites and from these websites even copied by other websites. There are more than 30 websites publishing the articles. The exposure on the internet and the public being reached is above my expectations.

It was a great year offering a good foundation for the future. My plan for 2015 is to increase the reader population and (re)evaluate the Monthly strategy besides keeping on fine tuning the Weekly strategy. Next week I will write an article where I will go into more detail about my plans for next year.


DISCLAIMER: The articles are my personal opinion, not recommendations, FX trading is risky and not suitable for everyone.The content is for educational purposes only and is aimed solely for the use by ‘experienced’ traders in the FOREX market as the contents are intended to be understood by professional users who are fully aware of the inherent risks in forex trading. The content is for 'Forex Trading Journal' purpose only. Nothing should be construed as recommendation to purchase any financial instruments. The choice and risk is always yours. Thank you.