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How to Access the MySQL Database from MQL5 (MQL4)

How to Access the MySQL Database from MQL5 (MQL4)

MetaTrader 5Integration | 21 October 2014, 13:26
63 211 129
Eugeniy Lugovoy
Eugeniy Lugovoy


The problem of interaction of MQL with databases is not new, however it's still relevant. Use of databases can greatly enhance the possibilities of MetaTrader: storage and analysis of the price history, copying trades from one trading platform to another, providing quotes/trades in real time, heavy analytical computations on the server side and/or using a schedule, monitoring and remote control of accounts using web technologies.

Anyway, there were many attempts to benefit from the combination of MQL and MySQL, some solutions are available in the CodeBase.

For example "MySQL wrapper - library for MetaTrader 4" is the project, from which many programmers start their own developments with further additions. In my opinion, one of the disadvantages of this solution is allocation of special arrays for reading data from the database.

Another project "MySQL logger 1 - EA for MetaTrader 4" is highly specialized, it uses no wrapper to access the standard library libmysql.dll. Therefore it doesn't work in MetaTrader4 Build 600+, since the char character types have been replaced by wchar_t, and the use of the int type instead of the TMYSQL structure pointer causes memory leaks in the project (the allocated memory cannot be controlled/freed).

Another interesting project is "EAX_Mysql - MySQL library - library for MetaTrader 5". It's quite a good implementation. The list of disadvantages stated by the author imposes some restrictions on its use.

Anyone who ever needs to uses databases in their MQL projects has two options: either to develop their own solution and know every single part of it, or use/adapt any third-party solution, learn how to use it and detect all its defects that may hinder their project.

I faced such a necessity and the two options while developing a rather complex trading robot. Having searched through existing projects and studied a very large number of solutions, I realized that non of the found implementations could help bring my trading robot to the "professional level".

Moreover, there were also absurd solutions, for example: DML/DDL operations (insert/update/delete data, create/drop objects in database) were performed using the standard libmysql.dll, and data selection (SELECT) was actually implemented as a HTTP request (using inet.dll) to a PHP script located on the web server on the MySQL server side. The SQL queries were written in the PHP script.

In other words, to run the project, one needed to keep the following components available, configured and running: MySQL server, Apache/IIS web server, PHP/ASP scripts on the server side... A combination of quite a large number of technologies. Of course, in some circumstances this may be acceptable, but when the only task is to select data from the database - this is nonsense. In addition, supporting such a cumbersome solution is time-consuming.

Most of the solutions had no problems inserting data, creating objects and the like. The problem was data selection, as the data should be returned to the calling environment.

I thought using arrays for this purpose was impractical and inconvenient, simply because in the course of development/debugging/support of the main project, select queries to the database can be changed, while you should also control correct memory allocation for the arrays... Well, this can and must be avoided.

The hereinafter discussed MQL <-> MySql interfaced is based on a typical approach used in Oracle PL/SQL, MS SQL T-SQL, AdoDB - use of cursors. This interface was developed targeting the ease of programming and maintenance, plus a minimum of components. It is implemented as a DLL wrapper to the standard library libmysql.dll and a set of interface functions as an .mqh file.

1. MQL <-> MySQL Interface

The interaction between the MetaTrader terminal (through MQL programs) can be implemented with the help of the below components:

The scheme of MQL and MySQL interaction

1. The interface library MQLMySQL.mqh. It is added to the project using the #include directory and can be modified to your taste.

It contains the directives for importing functions of the MQLMySQL.dll dynamic library, as well as functions for calling them and handling errors.

2. The MQLMySQL.dll dynamic library. It is a wrapper to access the functionality of the standard library libmysql.dll.

Also, the MQLMySQL.dll library processes the results of operations and shared access to the database connections and cursors. It means that you can create and use multiple connections at a time (from one or more MQL programs), keep a few cursors open, with queries to one or more databases. Mutexes are used for separating access to shared resources.

3. The standard dynamic library libmysql.dll is a native access driver. You can copy it from any MySql database distribution in C:\Windows\Sytem32 or <Terminal>\MQL5\Libraries (for MetaTrader 4 in <Terminal>\MQL4\Libraries).

In fact, it is responsible for sending queries to the database and retrieving the results.

Let's dwell on the main points, such as: opening/closing the connection, performing DML/DDL queries and data selection.

1.1. Opening and Closing the Connection

The MySqlConnect function has been implemented for opening connection with the MySQL database:







This function implements connection with the database and returns a connection identifier. This ID will be required to query the database.

In case of a connection failure, the return value is "-1". For the error details, check the variables MySQLErrorNumber and MySqlErrorDescription.

Typically, this function is called when handling the OnInit() event in the MQL program.

string pHost

The DNS name or IP address of the MySQL server

string pUser

Database user (for example, root)

string pPassword

The password of the database user

string pDatabase

The name of the database

int pPort

The TCP/IP port of the database (usually 3306)

string pSocket

The Unix socket (for the Unix based systems)

int pClientFlag

The combination of special flags (usually 0)

The MySqlDisconnect interface function has been implemented for closing the connection:


Name Parameters Description



This function closes connection with the MySQL database.

Typically, this function is called when handling the OnDeinit() event in the MQL program.

int pConnection

Connection identifier

It should be noted that the MySQL database can close the connection on its own in case of a hardware failure, network congestion or timeout (when no queries are sent to the database for a long time).

Often developers use the OnTick() event for writing data to the database. However, when weekend comes and the market is closed, the connection is still "hanging". In this case, MySQL will close its by timeout (the default is 8 hours).

And on Monday, when the market is open, errors are found in the project. Therefore it is strongly recommended to check the connection and/or reconnect to the database after a time interval smaller than the timeout specified in the settings of the MySQL server.

1.2. Execution of DML/DDL Queries

DML operations are used for data manipulations (Data Manipulation Language). Data manipulations include the following set of statements: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

DDL operations are used for data definition (Data Definition Language). This includes the creation (CREATE) of database objects (tables, views, stored procedures, triggers, etc.) and their modification (ALTER) and deletion (DROP).

It's not all DML/DDL statements, moreover, DCL (Data Control Language) is used to separate data access, but we will not delve into the features of SQL. Any of these commands can be executed using the MySqlExecute interface function:







This function can be used for executing non-SELECT statements of SQL, after connection to the database has been successfully established (using the MySqlConnect function).

In case of successful command execution the function returns true, otherwise - false. For the error details, use the MySQLErrorNumber and MySqlErrorDescription.

int pConnection

Connection identifier

string pQuery

SQL Query

As a SQL query, you can also use the USE command to select the database. I would like mention the use of multi-statement queries. It is a set of SQL commands separated by the character ";".

To enable the multi-statements mode, connection with the database should be opened with the CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS flag:

int ClientFlag = CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS; // Setting the multi-statements flag
int DB; 

DB = MySqlConnect(Host, User, Password, Database, Port, Socket, ClientFlag); // Connection to the database

if (DB == -1)
    // Handling the connection error

// Preparing a SQL query to insert data (3 rows in one query)
string SQL;
SQL = "INSERT INTO EURUSD(Ask,Bid) VALUES (1.3601,1.3632);";
SQL = SQL + "INSERT INTO EURUSD(Ask,Bid) VALUES (1.3621,1.3643);";
SQL = SQL + "INSERT INTO EURUSD(Ask,Bid) VALUES (1.3605,1.3629);";

if (!MySqlExecute(DB,SQL)) 
    // Showing an error message

In this fragment, 3 entries will be inserted in the EURUSD table with a single call to the database. Each of the queries stored in the SQL variable is separated by ";".

This approach can be used for frequent insert/update/delete; a set of necessary commands is combined into one "package", thus relieving the network traffic and improving the database performance.

The INSERT syntax in MySQL is quite well developed in terms of exception handling.

For example, if the task is to move the price history, a table should be created for the currency pairs with the primary key of the datetime type, since the date and the time of a bar are unique. Moreover, it should be checked if the data on any particular bar exist in the database (to improve the stability of the data migration). With MySQL this check is not required, since the INSERT statement supports ON DUPLICATE KEY.

In more simple words, if an attempt is made to insert data, and the table already has an entry with the same date and time, the INSERT statement can be ignored or replaced by UPDATE for this row (see.

1.3. Data Selection

The SQL SELECT statement is used for retrieving data from the database. The below sequence of actions is used for selecting data and retrieving the selection result:

  1. Preparing the SELECT statement.
  2. Opening the cursor.
  3. Getting the number of rows returned by the query.
  4. Looping and retrieving each row of the query.
  5. Fetching data to the MQL variables inside the loop.
  6. Closing the cursor.

Of course, this is a general scheme, so not all the operations are required for every case. For example, if you want to make sure that a row exists in the table (by any criteria), it will be enough to prepare a query, open a cursor, get the number of rows and close the cursor. In fact, the mandatory parts are - preparing the SELECT statement, opening and closing the cursor.

What is a cursor? This is a reference to the context memory area, in fact - the resulting set of values. When you send the SELECT query, the database allocates memory for the result and creates a pointer to a row that you can move from one row to another. Thus it is possible to access all the rows in the order of a queue defined by the query (ORDER BY clause of the SELECT statement).

The following interface functions are used for data selection:

Opening the cursor:







This function opens a cursor for the SELECT query and returns a cursor identifier in case of success. Otherwise, the function returns "-1". To find out the cause of the error, use the variables MySQLErrorNumber and MySqlErrorDescription.

int pConnection

Identifier of connection with the database

string pQuery

SQL query (the SELECT statement)

Getting the number of rows returned by the query:







This function returns the number of rows selected by the query.

int pCursorID

The cursor identifier returned by MySqlCursorOpen

Fetching the query row:







Fetches one row from the data set returned by the query. After successful execution, you can retrieve the data to MQL variables. The function returns true if successful, otherwise it returns false.

int pCursorID

The cursor identifier returned by MySqlCursorOpen

Fetching data into MQL variables after fetching the query row:







This function returns the representation of the table field value using the int data type.

int pCursorID

The cursor identifier returned by MySqlCursorOpen

int pField

The field number in the SELECT list (numbering starts with 0)



This function returns the representation of the table field value using the double data type.

int pCursorID

The cursor identifier returned by MySqlCursorOpen

int pField

The field number in the SELECT list (numbering starts with 0)



This function returns the representation of the table field value using the datetime data type.

int pCursorID

The cursor identifier returned by MySqlCursorOpen

int pField

The field number in the SELECT list (numbering starts with 0)



This function returns the representation of the table field value using the string data type.

int pCursorID

The cursor identifier returned by MySqlCursorOpen

int pField

The field number in the SELECT list (numbering starts with 0)

All data returned by MySQL have native representation (presented without types as strings).

Therefore, using these functions, you can cast the selected data to the desired type. The only downside is specification of the column number (numbering starts from 0) in the SELECT list instead of its name. However, when developing an application, preparation of the SELECT statement and getting the results are almost always on one page, so you can see the SELECT query, when you prescribe the data fetching logic.

Thus, you always know the numbers of the fields in the SELECT list (this approach is also used when accessing data using AdoDB). Well, this part can further be revised in the future. But this will have little impact on the functionality of the developed solution.

Closing the cursor:







This function closes the specified cursor and releases the memory.

int pCursorID

The cursor identifier returned by MySqlCursorOpen

Closing a cursor is a critical operation. Do not forget to close cursors.

Imagine you open the cursor and forget to close it. Suppose, data are retrieved to the cursor with every tick while handling the OnTick() event, and every time a new cursor is opened, memory is allocated for it (both on the client side and the server side). At some point, the server will refuse the service because the limit of open cursors is reached, and this could cause buffer overflow.

Of course, it's exaggerated, such a result is possible when working with libmysql.dll directly. However, the MQLMySQL.DLL dynamic library distributes memory for cursors and will refuse to open a cursor that goes beyond the permissible limit.

When implementing real tasks, it is enough to keep 2-3 cursors open. Each cursor can handle one Cartesian measurement of data; using two-three cursors simultaneously (nested, for example, when one parametrically depends on another cursor) covers two or three dimensions. This is perfectly fine for the most tasks. In addition, for the implementation of complex data selection, you can always use these objects to represent the database (VIEW), create them on the server side and send queries to them from the MQL code as to tables.

1.4. Additional Information

The following can be mentioned as additional features:

1.4.1. Reading data from an .INI file







Returns the value of a key of the given section of the INI-file.

string pFileName

The name of the INI file

string pSection

The section name

string pKey

The key name

Often storing information about connections to the database (IP address of the server, port, username, password, etc.) directly in the code MQL (or parameters of the Expert Advisor, indicator of script) is not rational, because the server can be moved, its address can change dynamically, etc. You will need to modify the MQL code in this case. Thus, all these data should better be stored in the standard .INI file, while only its name should be written in the MQL program. Then, use the ReadINI function to read connection parameters and use them.

For example, the INI file contains the following information:

Server =
User = root
Password = Adm1n1str@t0r
Database = mysql
Port = 3306

To get the IP address of the server, execute the following:

string vServer = ReadIni("C:\\MetaTrader5\\MQL5\\Experts\\MyConnection.ini", "MYSQL", "Server");

The INI file is located at C:\MetaTrader5\MQL5\Experts and is called "MyConnection.ini", you access the Server key of the MYSQL section. In one INI file you can store settings to various servers used in your project.

1.4.2. Tracing the Problem Areas

In the interface library provides the trace mode, which can be enabled for debugging SQL queries anywhere in an MQL program.

Specify the following in the problem area:

SQLTrace = true;

and then

SQLTrace = false;

If you enable tracing at the beginning of the MQL program and do not disable it, all calls to the database will be logged. The Log is kept in the terminal console (using the Print command).

2. Examples

This section provides a few examples of connection and use of the developed libraries. See them and estimate the usability of the software solution.

The MySQL-003.mq5 example shows the following: connecting to a database (connection parameters are stored in the .ini file), creating a table, inserting data (also using multi-statements) and disconnecting from the database.

//|                                                    MySQL-003.mq5 |
//|                                   Copyright 2014, Eugene Lugovoy |
//|                                     |
//| Inserting data with multi-statement (DEMO)                       |
#property copyright "Copyright 2014, Eugene Lugovoy."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

#include <MQLMySQL.mqh>

string INI;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
 string Host, User, Password, Database, Socket; // database credentials
 int Port,ClientFlag;
 int DB; // database identifier
 Print (MySqlVersion());

 INI = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_PATH)+"\\MQL5\\Scripts\\MyConnection.ini";
 // reading database credentials from INI file
 Host = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Host");
 User = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "User");
 Password = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Password");
 Database = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Database");
 Port     = (int)StringToInteger(ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Port"));
 Socket   = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Socket");
 ClientFlag = CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS; //(int)StringToInteger(ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "ClientFlag"));  

 Print ("Host: ",Host, ", User: ", User, ", Database: ",Database);
 // open database connection
 Print ("Connecting...");
 DB = MySqlConnect(Host, User, Password, Database, Port, Socket, ClientFlag);
 if (DB == -1) { Print ("Connection failed! Error: "+MySqlErrorDescription); } else { Print ("Connected! DBID#",DB);}
 string Query;
 Query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_table`";
 MySqlExecute(DB, Query);
 Query = "CREATE TABLE `test_table` (id int, code varchar(50), start_date datetime)";
 if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
     Print ("Table `test_table` created.");
     // Inserting data 1 row
     Query = "INSERT INTO `test_table` (id, code, start_date) VALUES ("+(string)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN)+",\'ACCOUNT\',\'"+TimeToString(TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+"\')";
     if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
         Print ("Succeeded: ", Query);
         Print ("Error: ", MySqlErrorDescription);
         Print ("Query: ", Query);
     // multi-insert
     Query =         "INSERT INTO `test_table` (id, code, start_date) VALUES (1,\'EURUSD\',\'2014.01.01 00:00:01\');";
     Query = Query + "INSERT INTO `test_table` (id, code, start_date) VALUES (2,\'EURJPY\',\'2014.01.02 00:02:00\');";
     Query = Query + "INSERT INTO `test_table` (id, code, start_date) VALUES (3,\'USDJPY\',\'2014.01.03 03:00:00\');";
     if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
         Print ("Succeeded! 3 rows has been inserted by one query.");
         Print ("Error of multiple statements: ", MySqlErrorDescription);
     Print ("Table `test_table` cannot be created. Error: ", MySqlErrorDescription);
 Print ("Disconnected. Script done!");

Example MySQL-004.mq5 shows selection of data from a table created by the "MySQL-003.mq5" script. 

//|                                                    MySQL-004.mq5 |
//|                                   Copyright 2014, Eugene Lugovoy |
//|                                     |
//| Select data from table (DEMO)                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2014, Eugene Lugovoy."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

#include <MQLMySQL.mqh>

string INI;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
 string Host, User, Password, Database, Socket; // database credentials
 int Port,ClientFlag;
 int DB; // database identifier
 Print (MySqlVersion());

 INI = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_PATH)+"\\MQL5\\Scripts\\MyConnection.ini";
 // reading database credentials from INI file
 Host = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Host");
 User = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "User");
 Password = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Password");
 Database = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Database");
 Port     = (int)StringToInteger(ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Port"));
 Socket   = ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "Socket");
 ClientFlag = (int)StringToInteger(ReadIni(INI, "MYSQL", "ClientFlag"));  

 Print ("Host: ",Host, ", User: ", User, ", Database: ",Database);
 // open database connection
 Print ("Connecting...");
 DB = MySqlConnect(Host, User, Password, Database, Port, Socket, ClientFlag);
 if (DB == -1) { Print ("Connection failed! Error: "+MySqlErrorDescription); return; } else { Print ("Connected! DBID#",DB);}
 // executing SELECT statement
 string Query;
 int    i,Cursor,Rows;
 int      vId;
 string   vCode;
 datetime vStartTime;
 Query = "SELECT id, code, start_date FROM `test_table`";
 Print ("SQL> ", Query);
 Cursor = MySqlCursorOpen(DB, Query);
 if (Cursor >= 0)
     Rows = MySqlCursorRows(Cursor);
     Print (Rows, " row(s) selected.");
     for (i=0; i<Rows; i++)
         if (MySqlCursorFetchRow(Cursor))
             vId = MySqlGetFieldAsInt(Cursor, 0); // id
             vCode = MySqlGetFieldAsString(Cursor, 1); // code
             vStartTime = MySqlGetFieldAsDatetime(Cursor, 2); // start_time
             Print ("ROW[",i,"]: id = ", vId, ", code = ", vCode, ", start_time = ", TimeToString(vStartTime, TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS));
     MySqlCursorClose(Cursor); // NEVER FORGET TO CLOSE CURSOR !!!
     Print ("Cursor opening failed. Error: ", MySqlErrorDescription);
 Print ("Disconnected. Script done!");

The above examples contain the typical error handling used in real projects.

In fact, each query used in an MQL program should be debugged in any MySQL client (PHPMyAdmin, DB Ninja, MySQL console). I personally use and recommend professional software for database development Quest TOAD for MySQL.


This article does not describe the details of implementation of MQLMySQL.DLL developed in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (C/C++) environment. This software solution is designed for practical use and has more than 100 successful implementations in various areas of MQL software development (from the creation of complex trading systems to web publishing).

  • The versions of the libraries for MQL4 and MQL5 are attached below. The attachments also include a zip file with the source code of MQLMySQL.DLL;
  • Documentation is included in the archives;
  • To use the examples, do not forget to specify the parameters of connection to your database in the file \Scripts\MyConnection.ini.

Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original article:

Last comments | Go to discussion (129)
Quantum Capital International Group Ltd
Yang Chih Chou | 28 Aug 2022 at 07:27

I can access Mysql from MT5 well but it just can't use the query "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" it's nothing happen.

Can anyone help? thank you.

I try to print the error it show below:(I think maybe the query contents is too long)?

2022.08.28 15:11:27.151 MT52DB_Netting (MYM-U22,D1) CMD>1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'D:/Data_02/MT5/KGI/MQL5/Files/3000586_His.csv INTO TABLE `3000586_His` FIELDS TE' at line 1

brunofabioo | 28 Sep 2022 at 04:30
Te Fu Chang #:


I also had the error question of [126]:

Cannot load'C:\Users\programer01\Desktop\MyMT5\MQL5\Libraries\MQLMySQL.dll' [126]

Cannot call'cMySqlVersion','MQLMySQL.dll' is not loaded

unresolved import function call

MARCOSmentioned that it is normal after updating the OpenSSL version

How can I update the OpenSSL version?

Thank you! ~


Because I am not familiar with this field

I want to ask again

I see that there are three dll files in your Libraries folder




I have installed MySQL software

Are these dll files copied from the path under ..\Program Files\MySQL?

If so, which folder was copied from?

I just solved updating Visual Studio.

You can download a latest version from this link --

Quantum Capital International Group Ltd
Yang Chih Chou | 4 Oct 2022 at 15:05
Is it possible to get the column name? thank you.
mattlaguardia | 23 Feb 2024 at 20:39
Out of curiosity is MQLmySQL picky about database types?  We're running into an issue where our script used to connect to the database until we migrated to a new database.  Suddenly we have issues with read/write/delete.  All permissions for port 3306 are enabled, and the new db is simply a copy of the old one.

Any ideas?
pobo123 | 6 May 2024 at 11:57
Boaz Nyagaka Moses #:
I keep getting this error:
2022.03.02 20:22:25.198 MySQL-001 EURUSD,M15: Connection error #2059 Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: The specified module could not be found.

Did you ever manage to resolve this Boaz?

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