Observer in
"The idea is to die young as late as possible. The nicest thing about the future is that it starts tomorrow."
Alice F
Еженедельный дайджест - это последние новости из мира экономики и финансов, валютные и сырьевые прогнозы, а также интересные статьи для трейдеров из самых авторитетных источников. Новость недели: Что станет с рублем в мае? Прогнозы...
Alice F
The recent string of poor economic data weighed on the US currency meanwhile giving a boost for the gold. Kitco analyst Peter Hug shares his thoughts on the gold market reflecting upon when the rate hike will finally come...
Alice F
As the starting week will be rich for events, below you can see what is most likely to influence the market sentiment in the period from April 27 till May 1...
Alice F
Gold is sensitive towards economic reports, and analysts now reflect on how it will behave ahead of Wednesday's FOMC meeting...
Alice F
In their new episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss mortgages the government takes from the public, formally called Private Finance Initiatives (PFI), which left the United Kingdom 222 bln pounds in debt. Britain, however, will pay five times more than that amount under the terms of PFIs...
Alice F
Kitco News analyst reflects upon why the gold price is where it is now, meanwhile being impressed by how positive the real rates of return are in the U.S...
Alice F
Weekly digest compiles the latest news from the world of stocks and finance, currency and commodity news, as well as interesting informative articles for traders. Top news of the week: Does Greece's default necessarily mean 'Grexit'...
Alice F
Еженедельный дайджест - это последние новости из мира экономики и финансов, валютные и сырьевые прогнозы, а также интересные статьи для трейдеров из самых авторитетных источников. Новость недели: Aналитики о недавнем нефтяном ралли. Продлится ли тенденция...
Alice F
In the latest video, Kitco News analysts discuss the euro affecting gold prices who believe the euro could trigger a run in the gold should the 1.10 EUR/USD level be breached...
Alice F
Why do some policies make the wealthy even wealthier while pushing the middle class on the verge of a precipice? Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser discuss the tendency...
Alice F
Weekly digest compiles the latest news from the world of stocks and finance, currency and commodity news, as well as interesting informative articles for traders. Top news of the week: Greece on the verge of default...
Alice F
Еженедельный дайджест - это последние новости из мира экономики и финансов, валютные и сырьевые прогнозы, а также интересные статьи для трейдеров из самых авторитетных источников. Новость недели: Игра Саудовской Аравии: почему она держит мир на нефтяной игле...
Alice F
This time, Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser host Professor Steve Keen, a well-known analyst and the author of many pieces on economy. While many say that the UK economy is the fastest growing in G7, the other side of the question is debt. Why does it matter...
Alice F
Weekly digest compiles the latest news from the world of stocks and finance, currency and commodity news, as well as interesting informative articles for traders. Top news of the week: Is delay in Fed rate hike the only bullish factor for gold...
Alice F
Еженедельный дайджест - это последние новости из мира экономики и финансов, валютные и сырьевые прогнозы, а также интересные статьи для трейдеров из самых авторитетных источников. Новость недели: Каких цен на нефть стоит ожидать в ближайшем будущем...
Alice F
Journalists from Kitco News speak with analyst Frank Holmes to find out whether gold rally can be sustained given the recent weak US jobs report...
Alice F
Sooner or later, the Fed rate hike will come, and gold investors have to make peace with it. However, is the delay in the rate hike the sole bullish factor influencing gold price...
Pankaj D Costa
Pankaj D Costa 2015.04.07
Thanks for sharing your analysis on gold.
Alice F
Alice F 2015.04.09
My pleasure :) though it's not completely mine, I shared the one from Kitco news :)
Alice F
In the episode called "Debtism vs Capitalism", Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert come back to Greece again, discussing its relationship with Germany, why the austerity hurt the poorest the most and if financial gerrymandering takes place in Greece...
Alice F
In the week through Monday, foreigners were said to have sold a net 1.7 billion yuan ($274 million) of Chinese shares via the Shanghai-Hong Kong exchange link, while outflows from the two biggest Hong Kong exchange-traded funds tracking mainland shares totaled $622 million...
Alice F
23 - is apparently one of the most powerful forces in China’s $6.4 trillion equity market today...