Pair trading and multicurrency arbitrage. The showdown. - page 56

Roman #:

Rena just can't explain simple things, in simple words :)))

So let me explain more clearly what Renate was trying to say.
Here is a simple triangle formula without coefficients that gives zero.
Just build a custom symbol.

Here with this zero Renat has nafludludil on several threads describing that the triangle is always in this state
like this is supposedly the secret of the market, ala the all-seeing eye and the grail cup of the market itself! :))

This zero state should be broken and turned into a sine wave.
And how to do it, think for yourself.
ahaha.... NewRena
Here and I laughed with such an approach of explanation ))

For example, in the statistical approach, everyone is looking for a model that will have a mat. expectation of zero.
Here we think the opposite ))
Zero is already there, it is given by the triangle itself, just build a sine wave of this triangle.
hat's all.

Only for some reason he calls the time scale of the chart one month.
When and on the minutes and above it is tracked.
On this screen minutes, three currency pairs.
GBPUSD green
EURGBP orange.

Afternoon. Give the synthetic formula as on the screen please.

Roman #:

Still, the original idea of the triangle is a chain of exchanges, for example (a completely arbitrary example) one dollar is taken, exchanged for euros, euros are exchanged for pounds, and pounds are exchanged for the original dollars. The hope is that in the end will get more than one original dollar) Margin trading allows instead of a chain of three consecutive exchanges to enter three simultaneous transactions.

Accordingly, it is necessary to take the product of three exchange rates (for some it is necessary to take the inverse) and look for it to be greater than one. Usually, you take the sum of their logarithms and see when it is greater than zero.

In some olden days this worked briefly and partly for forex, and now it works partly for crypto. It has not been and will never be a significant source of income.

Renat Akhtyamov #:

and you haggle first.

and I didn't say that:

You look at the Y scale, and relate it to the sliding.
It is far from zero, and the lines show a long time sliding.
It is just shown graphically for example, you can show the sliding itself with one line.
That's why I'm saying, just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Yes, no one disputes small spreads on the minute, but you can already enter, depending on the conditions, commission, spread.
On the next timeframes the spread increases, the higher the timeframe, the bigger the spread, which is logical.
Here is the clock, with a ruler marked the spread of 370 pips, is it not enough? Ah, yes, pairs don't move like that.



Renat Akhtyamov #:

another example of where I started

six majors, ...

Rena, you have problems with arithmetic.
Majors are not six, but seven.
Let's count together:

  • EURUSD, one,
  • EURGBP - two,
  • USDJPY three,
  • USDCAD four,
  • NZDUSD five,
  • USDCHF six,
  • AUDUSD seven.
Roman #:

You look at the Y scale, and relate it to the sliding.
It is far from zero, and the lines show a long time sliding.
It is just shown graphically for example, you can show the sliding itself with one line.
That's why I say that just because you have not seen it, does not mean that it does not exist.

Yes, no one disputes small spreads on the minute, but you can already enter, depending on the conditions, commission, spread.
On the next timeframes the spread increases, the higher the timeframe, the bigger the spread, which is logical.
Here is the clock, with a ruler marked the spread of 370 pips, is it not enough? Ah, yes, pairs don't move like that.


I wonder why there is a dependence of sliding on TF?

Something's wrong...., it shouldn't.

and in general, forget about the sliding, that's not the point.

100% forecast for all past, present and future time, as long as Forex will exist: ax + by + cz = 0.

although it doesn't matter.

you can go to any market, stock exchange

Grigori.S.B #:

Rena, you have a problem with arithmetic.
Majors are not six, but seven.
Let's count together:

  • EURUSD - one,
  • EURGBP - two,
  • USDJPY three,
  • USDCAD four,
  • NZDUSD five,
  • USDCHF six,
  • AUDUSD seven.

in the screenshot in the trailer 6, that's what it was about.

EURGBP is not here, maybe GBPUSD, a typo?

If you want to count the majors, count the number of currencies in the world and subtract one (USD), it's more accurate.

but there are plenty of other triangles.

for example

BRENT-USD-RUB (they started selling oil for the national currency, right?).

In essence, de-dollarisation will not save anyone.

only a single monetary unit all over the world will save, or fixing (stopping) prices in the national currency (e.g. matches - 1 ruble for centuries, or oil - 100 rubles and that's it).

If the price floats, a triangle will be formed, there is no other way.

That is, let's say the price of petrol went up, followed by everything else.

You can't do that ;)

and about maths problems....

you will find at least one analogue of my indica iFormule ;))))


Eight currencies can be used to make 56 triples.

The general formula is n*(n-1)*(n-2)/6

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

The eight currencies can be used to make 56 triples.

The general formula is n*(n-1)*(n-2)/6

let's say 7.


6-rds removed.

7*5 = 35?

Nope. Wrong answer.

Renat, calm down already. Alone, without Asaulenko, you can't make epic fludo-bredo-betrayals. Only make people laugh.
Friends, please give me a formula as on the screen for synthetics. Or poke your nose to examples. Thank you. I don't know how to do it.