Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1558

Alexey Viktorov:

You're welcome, but I don't seem to have done anything...


Thank you, and thenAlexey Viktorov too!

Alexey Viktorov
Alexey Viktorov
  • 2021.06.30
Профиль трейдера
законопослушный гражданин :

Try it

you can edit the "Signal to open an order" function

//|                                                 Citizen.v2.1.mq4 |
//|                                           Copyright 2020, DrMak. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, DrMak."
#property link        " "
#property version    "1.00"
#property strict
//--- input parameters
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES    timeframe_RSI  = PERIOD_H1 ;
input int                period_RSI     = 14 ;
input int                level_buy      = 30 ;
input int                level_sell     = 70 ;
input double             Lot            = 0.1 ;   // Размер стартового лота
input double             K_Martin       = 2.0 ;   // Размер увеличения лота(Мартин) 
input int                Stoploss       = 100 ;   // Размер StopLoss в пунктах
input int                Takeprofit     = 500 ;   // Размер TakeProfit в пунктах
input double             CountLoss      = 200 ;   // Размер максимального убытка
input double             CountProfit    = 300 ;   // Размер минимального профита
input int                Magic          = 777 ;   // Магик
input int                DigitsLot      = 2 ;     // Шаг лота
input int                slippage       = 3 ;     // Проскальзывание
string AC;
datetime Start;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit ()
//--- create timer
   ObjectsDeleteAll ( 0 , "lab_" );
   EventSetMillisecondTimer ( 500 );
   Start  = TimeCurrent ();
   MINLOT = MarketInfo( Symbol (),MODE_MINLOT);
   MAXLOT = MarketInfo( Symbol (),MODE_MAXLOT);
   AC     = StringConcatenate ( " " , AccountCurrency());
   AB     = AccountInfoDouble ( ACCOUNT_BALANCE );
   int Y= 20 ;
   CreateButton( 0 , "lab_Button" , 0 , 79 ,Y, 77 , 25 , CORNER_RIGHT_UPPER , "Советник остановлен" , "START" , "Arial Black" , 10 , clrWhite , clrGreen ,
   false , false , false , false , false , 0 );Y += 25 ;
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Торговля"    , 1 , 5 ,Y, clrRed , "Торговля " );Y += 20 ;
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Start Time" , 1 , 5 ,Y, clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Start Time: " ,TimeToStr(Start, TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS )));Y += 15 ;
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Current Lot" , 1 , 5 ,Y, clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Current Lot: " ,DoubleToStr(Lots(),DigitsLot)));Y += 15 ;
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Balance"     , 1 , 5 ,Y, clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Balance: " ,DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 2 ),AC));Y += 15 ;
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Equity"      , 1 , 5 ,Y, clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Equity: " ,DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 2 ),AC));Y += 15 ;
   DrawLABEL( "lab_FreeMargin" , 1 , 5 ,Y, clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "FreeMargin: " ,DoubleToStr(AccountFreeMargin(), 2 ),AC));Y += 30 ;
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Take"        , 1 , 5 ,Y, clrLime , "Profit: " );
   return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED );
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit ( const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
   EventKillTimer ();
   if (!IsTesting()) 
       ObjectsDeleteAll ( 0 , "lab_" );
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick ()
   if (IsTesting()) 
       if ( ObjectGetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_STATE )== true )
         ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_BGCOLOR , clrRed );
         ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TOOLTIP , "Советник запущен" );
         ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TEXT , "STOP" );
       if ( ObjectGetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_STATE )== false )
         ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_BGCOLOR , clrGreen );
         ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TOOLTIP , "Советник остановлен" );
         ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TEXT , "START" );
         Start = iTime ( _Symbol , PERIOD_D1 , 0 );
   if (GetProfitFromStart()>CountProfit || GetProfitFromStart()<CountLoss*- 1 )
       if (IsTesting()) 
         CloseOrder(); ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_STATE , false );
   // Обновляем текст на лейблах
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Start Time" , 1 , 5 , 0 , clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Start Time: " ,TimeToStr(Start, TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS )));
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Current Lot" , 1 , 5 , 0 , clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Current Lot: " ,DoubleToStr(Lots(),DigitsLot)));
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Balance"     , 1 , 5 , 0 , clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Balance: " ,DoubleToStr(AB, 2 ),AC));
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Equity"      , 1 , 5 , 0 , clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "Equity: " ,DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 2 ),AC));
   DrawLABEL( "lab_FreeMargin" , 1 , 5 , 0 , clrGreen , StringConcatenate ( "FreeMargin: " ,DoubleToStr(AccountFreeMargin(), 2 ),AC));
   DrawLABEL( "lab_Take"        , 1 , 5 , 0 ,Color(GetProfitFromStart()> 0 ,Lime,Red), StringConcatenate ( "Profit: " ,DoubleToStr(GetProfitFromStart(), 2 ),AC));
   sl  = MathMax (Stoploss, MarketInfo( _Symbol , MODE_STOPLEVEL)) * Point ();
   SL  = NormalizeDouble (sl* Point (), Digits );
   tp  = MathMax (Takeprofit, MarketInfo( _Symbol , MODE_STOPLEVEL)) * Point ();
   TP  = NormalizeDouble (tp* Point (), Digits );
   if (CountOrders()== 0 && ObjectGetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_STATE ))
       if (TradeSignal()>= 0 )
   if (!IsTradeAllowed()) 
     {DrawLABEL( "lab_Торговля" , 0 , 0 , 0 , clrRed , "Торговля запрещена" ); return ;} 
     {DrawLABEL( "lab_Торговля" , 0 , 0 , 0 , clrLime , "Торговля разрешена" );}
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer ()
//| Сигнал для открытия ордера                                       |
int TradeSignal() 
   int sig=- 1 ;
   // Здесь расчет сигнала
   RSI0= iRSI ( NULL ,timeframe_RSI,period_RSI, PRICE_CLOSE , 0 );
   RSI1= iRSI ( NULL ,timeframe_RSI,period_RSI, PRICE_CLOSE , 1 );
   // Здесь определение направления сигнала sig=0-BUY, sig=1-SELL
   if (RSI0>=level_buy && RSI1<=level_buy)   sig= 0 ;
   if (RSI0<=level_sell && RSI1>=level_sell) sig= 1 ;
   return (sig);
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent ( const int id,
                   const long &lparam,
                   const double &dparam,
                   const string &sparam)
   if (sparam== "lab_Button" ) TradeButton();
//| ButtonSTART                                                                                                        |
void TradeButton()
   if ( ObjectGetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_STATE )== true )
       ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_BGCOLOR , clrRed );
       ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TOOLTIP , "Советник запущен" );
       ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TEXT , "STOP" );
   if ( ObjectGetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_STATE )== false )
       ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_BGCOLOR , clrGreen );
       ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TOOLTIP , "Советник остановлен" );
       ObjectSetString ( 0 , "lab_Button" , OBJPROP_TEXT , "START" );
      Start = TimeCurrent ();
//| Расчет лота                                                      |
double Lots()
   double L= 0 ;
   if (GetInfoLastPos( 3 )>Start && GetInfoLastPos( 2 )< 0 )
     {L= NormalizeDouble (GetInfoLastPos( 1 )*K_Martin,DigitsLot);}
   if (L>MAXLOT) L = MAXLOT;
   if (L<MINLOT) L = MINLOT;
   return (L);
//|  Функция возвращает по символу и магику                                    |
//|  размер профита с учетом комиссии и свопа с начала цикла                   |
double GetProfitFromStart()
   double lp= 0 ,cp= 0 ;
   for ( int i= 0 ; i<OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++)
       if ( OrderSelect (i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY))
         if (OrderSymbol()== _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
             if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL)
               if (Start<OrderCloseTime()) {lp+=OrderProfit()+OrderCommission()+OrderSwap();}
   for ( int pos= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;pos>= 0 ;pos--)
       if ( OrderSelect (pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
         if (OrderSymbol()== _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
             if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) {cp=OrderProfit()+OrderCommission()+OrderSwap();}
   return (lp+cp);
//|  Функция возвращает по символу и магику                                    |
//|  1 - размер лота последней закрытой позиции                                |
//|  2 - размер профита с учетом комиссии и свопа последней закрытой позиции   |
//|  3 - время последней закрытой позиции                                      |
double GetInfoLastPos( int a= 1 )
   datetime t= 0 ;
   double result= 0 ,l= 0 ,p= 0 ,f= 0 ;
   int i=OrdersHistoryTotal();
   for ( int pos= 0 ; pos<i; pos++)
       if ( OrderSelect (pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY))
         if (OrderSymbol()== _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
             if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL)
               if (t<OrderCloseTime()) {t=OrderCloseTime(); l=OrderLots(); p=OrderProfit()+OrderCommission()+OrderSwap();}
   if (a== 1 ) {result=l;} else
   if (a== 2 ) {result=p;} else
   if (a== 3 ) {result=( double )t;}
   else      {result= 0 ;}
   return (result);
//| Подсчет открытых ордеров                                         |
int CountOrders() 
   int cnt= 0 ;
   int i= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;
   for ( int pos=i;pos>= 0 ;pos--)
       if ( OrderSelect (pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
         if (OrderSymbol()== _Symbol )
             if (OrderMagicNumber()==Magic) cnt++;
   return (cnt);
//| Открытие ордера                                                  |
void SendOrder( int so= 0 ) 
   if (so== 0 )
       if ( OrderSend ( Symbol (),OP_BUY, Lots(),Ask,slippage,Ask-sl,Ask+tp, NULL ,Magic, 0 , clrBlue ))
        { Print ( "Open Buy: " , _Symbol );} else { Print ( "Error Open Buy: " , _Symbol , " / " , GetLastError ());}
   if (so== 1 )
       if ( OrderSend ( Symbol (),OP_SELL, Lots(),Bid,slippage,Bid+sl,Bid-tp, NULL ,Magic, 0 , clrBlue ))
        { Print ( "Open Sell: " , _Symbol );} else { Print ( "Error Open Sell: " , _Symbol , " / " , GetLastError ());}
//| Закрытие открытого ордера                                        |
void CloseOrder() 
   int i= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;
   for ( int pos=i;pos>= 0 ;pos--)
       if ( OrderSelect (pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
         if (OrderSymbol()== _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
             if (OrderType()==OP_BUY)
               if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,slippage, clrBlue )) TradeButton();
             if (OrderType()==OP_SELL)
               if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,slippage, clrRed )) TradeButton();
//| Установка цвета                                                  |
color Color( bool P, color a, color b)
   if (P) return (a);
   else return (b);
//| Установка лейблов/текста                                         |
void DrawLABEL( string name, int CORNER, int X, int Y, color clr, string Name)
   if ( ObjectFind ( 0 ,name)!= 0 )
       ObjectCreate ( 0 ,name, OBJ_LABEL , 0 , 0 , 0 );
      ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_CORNER , CORNER);
      ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE , X);
      ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE , Y);
   ObjectSetText(name,Name, 10 , "Arial" ,clr);
//| Создает кнопку                                                                                                     |
bool CreateButton( const long               chart_ID= 0 ,               // ID графика
                   const string             name= "Button" ,             // имя кнопки
                   const int                sub_window= 0 ,             // номер подокна
                   const int                x= 0 ,                       // координата по оси X
                   const int                y= 0 ,                       // координата по оси Y
                   const int                width= 50 ,                 // ширина кнопки
                   const int                height= 18 ,                 // высота кнопки
                   const int                corner= 0 ,                 // угол графика для привязки
                   const string             tool= "TOOLTIP" ,           // TOOLTIP
                   const string             text= "Button" ,             // текст
                   const string             font= "Arial" ,             // шрифт
                   const int                font_size= 10 ,             // размер шрифта
                   const color              clr= clrBlack ,             // цвет текста
                   const color              back_clr= C'236,233,216' ,   // цвет фона
                   const bool               state= false ,               // нажата/отжата
                   const bool               back= false ,               // на заднем плане
                   const bool               selection= false ,           // выделить для перемещений
                   const bool               selected= false ,           // выделить для перемещений
                   const bool               hidden= true ,               // скрыт в списке объектов
                   const long               z_order= 0 )                 // приоритет на нажатие мышью
//--- сбросим значение ошибки
   ResetLastError ();
//--- создадим кнопку
   if (! ObjectCreate (chart_ID,name, OBJ_BUTTON ,sub_window, 0 , 0 ))
       Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": не удалось создать кнопку! Код ошибки = " , GetLastError ()); return ( false );
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE ,x);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE ,y);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_XSIZE ,width);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_YSIZE ,height);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_CORNER ,corner);
   ObjectSetString (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_TOOLTIP ,tool);
   ObjectSetString (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_TEXT ,text);
   ObjectSetString (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_FONT ,font);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE ,font_size);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_COLOR ,clr);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_BGCOLOR ,back_clr);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_BACK ,back);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_STATE ,state);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_SELECTABLE ,selection);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_SELECTED ,selected);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN ,hidden);
   ObjectSetInteger (chart_ID,name, OBJPROP_ZORDER ,z_order);
//--- успешное выполнение
   return ( true );


you can edit the "Signal to open order" function.

Wow, what a huge code this has become.

Thank you very much - will be trying it out today!


Professionals, a tip... I've made a button on the chart.

) {
    if(sparam == button.Name()) {
      Alert("Button \""+sparam+"\" clicked!"); // Вместо этого функция с кодом...

I am trying to make it so that when the button is pressed instead of alert, a script named K1 will run, when pressed again the script will be deleted, but it fails. Thank you.


Professionals, a tip... I've made a button on the chart.

Trying to make it so that when the button is pressed instead of alert, a script named K1 will run, when pressed again the script will be deleted, but no luck. Thank you.

Better write the script code where the button is


the "Signal to open order" function you can edit

tried owls in the tester. everything works perfectly.

but i have a couple of questions:

1. as i understood from the tests, owls keep track of the current profit/loss according to the parameters specified to it, and it doesn't make any difference to it how many trades for it to happen,

i want to know if i have reached specified profit/loss in one trade or in three consecutive trades?

2. I asked my Expert Advisor for a drawdown of 25$, but it failed with a drawdown of 40$ on a large lot - is it normal for a tester? Maybe it is impossible to run a test at maximum speed?

3. is it possible to make the tracking of current profit/loss be reset after each trade, no matter by which signal it was closed (tp/sl or after reaching specified profit/loss in money )?

законопослушный гражданин:

tried owls in the tester. everything works perfectly.

But I have a couple of questions:

1. as i understood from the tests, owl tracks the current profit/loss according to the parameters specified to it, and it does not make any difference how many trades will happen for it,

i want to know if i have reached specified profit/loss in one trade or in three consecutive trades?

2. I asked my Expert Advisor for a drawdown of 25$, but it failed with a drawdown of 40$ on a large lot - is it normal for a tester? Maybe it is impossible to run a test at maximum speed?

3. is it possible to make the tracking of current profit/loss to be reset after closing each deal, no matter by which signal it was closed (tp/sl or after reaching specified profit/loss)?

1) At high speed or if not on ticks in the tester, it will close at the first available price.

2)You have a lot increase going on and with a big lot 1 point may be more than the allowable level.

3)I don't understand what you want, what do you need to track if zeroing after every trade?


Good afternoon gentlemen programmers!!!

Please help a newbie with a function.

The function counts the total profit by history.

The problem is that it works for one broker and it doesn't want to work for another one.

It works on Hercic but not on RoboForex. I have an ECN account on RoboForex.

I don't know what the problem is. Here is the code:

double lastloss()


int typ = -1,cnt = 0;

double lastloss = 0;

for(int i = OrdersHistoryTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)




if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic)


if(cnt == 0) typ = OrderType();

if(cnt > 0 && OrderType()!= typ) break;

lastlos += OrderProfit() + + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();







Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / OrderSelect
Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / OrderSelect
OrderSelect - Торговые функции - Справочник MQL5 - Справочник по языку алгоритмического/автоматического трейдинга для MetaTrader 5
Hello. Does anyone know any free MQL library for writing data structures to a file and loading them afterwards? Ideally a library that works with json format,json parser, etc.