Interesting and humorous - page 65


И как вы только успеваете, удивляюсь я... И не лень ведь. <- Эта реплика не к вам

Now that's an answer to your question below :

You shouldn't, sexting is good for your health. It's also pleasant.
I was talking about the reproduction of one person by direct cloning through "hide my ass" and similar services! It has nothing to do with sex (except with other people's brains).

But as the saying goes, a thief's hat is on fire...

I don't understand your allogic. What did you steal ?

And that paranoid desire of yours to have the last word.

Try proving for an hour that you're not a "camel", or rather not a well-known troll of many faces?

I have nothing better to do than to prove to someone his paranoia. No, imagination if you have it with yourself next. I've laughed enough.
Dear fellow, something tells me that either you are not broadcasting your thoughts now, or you are trying to get away from this discussion. Neither of which makes you look good. Either we continue this discussion in the mainstream of official science and the four dimensions that we know, or let's change the paradigm in the direction of alternative ideas. But please, be reasonable in your words.

Okay. (chuckles) I don't care what kind of logical language to use. As long as you communicate in the language of big arguments. What I was trying to say is that people very often find a contradiction in any logical scheme.

And since the forum is thematic, here's an example (taken from wiki) - Triffin's paradox : The issue of a key currency must match the gold reserve of the issuing country. Excessive issuance that is not backed by the gold reserve could undermine the convertibility of the key currency into gold, causing a crisis of confidence in it. But a key currency must be issued in quantities sufficient to ensure an increase in the international money supply to service an increasing number of international transactions. It must therefore be issued regardless of the size of the issuing country's limited gold reserve.

The circulatory system of the world works on seemingly contradictory points. )))


The circulatory system of the world works on seemingly contradictory points. )))

Worked is a contradiction of the Bretton Woods system, and it ceased to exist after the Jamaica conference
Working was a contradiction of the Bretton Woods system, and it ceased to exist after the Jamaica conference

The system is still the same, it's just renamed )))) . As a matter of fact, there is a contradiction: excessive emission should undermine confidence in the currency, and at the same time it should be sufficient to increase the international money supply.

That's right, people in your profession need to be more self-critical...

<a href="/ru/42301/
Yingtjer, there was a multipoint in the next thread, why didn't you check it out, or is a stronger opponent a bit scary for you?