Interesting and humorous - page 126

3 times a day! Glutton! :-)) I try not to eat more than 3 times a week.


Well, you're either a saint or you've got solar panels on your skin. We're no match for you...



- Why do you want to divorce your husband? - asks the judge.

- We have different religious views.

- Be more specific.

- He doesn't recognize me as a goddess.

A priest and a businessman are travelling in the same compartment on the train. The businessman immediately opened his laptop and started working on some documents. The priest looked at him, thought about it, then said: "My son, why don't we walk over to the dining car and see what's on the menu? - No, father, I'm not hungry. The priest goes to the restaurant alone. An hour later he returns, smiling and happy, carrying a bottle of expensive cognac in his hand. - My son, shouldn't we try this five-star drink? - No, Father, I'm sorry, I don't drink. The priest pours himself half a glass of cognac, savoring it, and slowly drinks it. Wipes his lips, goes out into the corridor. Fifteen minutes later he comes back in. - My son, there are two young laywomen in the same compartment as us. Why don't we drop in on them and have a nice talk? - No, Father, I'm married, and I have to work with the papers. The priest takes a bottle of cognac from the table and goes out. He comes back in the morning, happy as a cat in March. The businessman, who has been working all this time, looks up at him. - Tell me, Father, how come? I don't drink, I don't smoke, I keep my morals up. I work like an ox. Am I living a wrong life? The priest sighs. - That's right, my son. But for nothing...

The real story of a software engineer. Who worked at apple

"Since we had no managers, there were no meetings and we could be incredibly productive," Ron later recalled....

The work was fully completed in January 1994. Graphing Calculator became part of every Macintosh.

It sold over 20 million copies, without ever being officially released.

Read the full article at

An obvious example of how "Managers" in the process hinder rather than help.


- My internet is not only unlimited, it's also free.
- How's that? - It was my dad. When we connected the Internet, he and the upstairs neighbours agreed to connect together, and we'll pay them in even months and us in odd ones. - So? - Well, he agreed with the downstairs neighbours that they pay by the odd and we pay by the even!


Is the top half darker than the bottom half?
Cover the connecting line between them with your finger.


The demise of Comet Ison.
