EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1081

tomas911 >>:
forte928, что Вы можете сказать, в общих чертах, про кластерные индикаторы Семен Семеныча?

Sorry to interject, I use them in my gridiron as trend indicators, when tested and working they outperform all the conventional ones as they are the most truthful, the same can be said for the surgeon indicators, also cluster indicators...

OlegTs >>:

извиняюсь, что встрял, я использую их в своем гридере в качестве трендовых индикаторов, при тестировании и работе дают фору всем обычным, так как самые правдивые, тоже самое можно сказать и про индикаторы хирурга, тоже кластерные...

What are the surgeon's indicators?
Where can I look at them?
test 5444 ! - volumes interesting market today
fasklo >>:
Где на них можно глянуть

I'm surprised, I thought everyone here knew about them

strangerr писал(а) >>
Now I've bought in.)))

early, good news from the US at 6:00 will kill the euro outright... and if bad it won't lift much...

Nothing has happened yet and what goes wrong would be back to 1.3600 by evening . we have to wait
syan >>:

рано, хорошая новость с США в 6:00 убьет евро напрочь.. а если плохая то не сильно поднимет..

And what will Bernarke and T. Geithner be talking about??? at 6 p.m. are due to pass... on oil reserves and home permits...

I watched them a long time ago and was not impressed
EricGR писал(а) >>

And what will Bernarke and T. Geithner talk about??? at 6 p.m. are due to pass... on oil reserves and house approvals....

yes, but see the bad news from Belgium gave a reaction (although the news wasn't bad, just nothing has changed). So all in readiness, just a command to give)

And Bernanke may talk about tightening... unlikely but there is a chance and it is unlikely that anyone will hold the euro until then.