EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1084


Tf - monthly

odiseif писал(а) >>
stupid to watch the damn poundaustralian go up without me (((((((

He's up there AND up there !!!


Galina >>:

Вы не правы !!

У вас на разметке грубейшая ошибка.

Жаль что именно так большинство и думает.

Еврик может отправится вниз, к вашим 1.2 (примерно) только после того как сделает 1.47-1.48. (Опять же о напровлении движения из точки 1.47 можно бужет судить только после того как мы увидим хорактер этого движения. Не факт что она оттуда отправится на 1.2)

Минимумы по этой паре мы уже видели.


No errors, that proves the movement on this tf as well or maybe AO is wrong too?)))
strangerr писал(а) >>

There are no errors, it proves the movement on this timeframe as well or maybe AO is wrong too?)))

I am not going to argue with you.

I have a completely different layout.

It would be silly to try to prove something now.

You know my opinion, I think this is accurate.

At 1.3470 I added longs, with the nearest target 1.3960, the ultimate 1.47.

If I'm not right, then I will get a stop loss at about 1.33.

The market will judge.

But you sure got the waves wrong there :))))

I may be wrong but when we came to 1.3600, when I started talking about this level I said so and called your number Galina But the market has changed and made some corrections and tomorrow we will have different levels.
Galina >>:

Я не буду с Вами спорить.

У меня совершенно другая разметка.

Глупо было бы сейчас пытаться что то доказывать.

Вы мое мнение знаете, думаю этого дататочно.

На цифре 1.3470 я добавила лонгов, с ближайшей целью 1.3960, конечной 1.47.

Если я не право значит получу стопак примерно на 1.33.

Рынок рассудит.

Но волны вы там точно не правильно разметили :))))

Galina, can you show me the drawing correctly, because with all my imagination I can't think of anything else, the waves are drawn just perfect.

I would like to say that I am not a waveformer, and I have very different decision-making methods, I'm more and more dependent on pairs, but....

I think that wave analysis is too complicated tool, I should dedicate more than two or three years to it, it needs to show very stable results.

I am afraid I dont have enough money for that. )))))

As far as I know, the WAVE "C" on EURUSD has already passed, it happened in 2009, 03 months.

(Excuse me, I don't know all the ins and outs, why and why....)

You can argue all you want.

However, I know only one person out of many who successfully navigates through 1000 pips on wave analysis.


And he bought the euro :))).

And surprisingly, this time our independent forecasts for the EUR were completely the same.


What else can you think of here?


As far as I know, the "C" wave on the EURUSD has already passed, it happened in 2009 03 months


Sell - it's my EA that's getting twisted on the demo.)))