AMD or Intel as well as the memory brand - page 86



Outlook for Intel's LGA 1366 and LGA 1156 platforms


Core i7-930 to be released in first quarter

Well done Olga! With the precision of a metronome, she puts out links to articles exactly 15 posts later! :)
kombat >> :

On a black branch

The crow spreads out.

An autumn evening.


E_mc2 >> :

Swinosaurus is totally right, judging by your deranged posts you're clearly having an autumnal exacerbation - urgently go to the pharmacy.

Swinebeast and you, masquerading as Einstein again "like a puddle ....".

What should I buy at the pharmacy? There are several thousand drugs in any pharmacy. Or are you a big pharmacy expert with him, getting drugs together?


Go ahead and fill in the "gaps", it'll give you something to laugh about.

(your verse is illiterate, I show it to my kids, they "laugh" for a few minutes, go on...)

four2one писал(а) >>

Piggybacking and you mimicking Einstein again "like a puddle ....".

What does a pharmacy buy? There are several thousand drugs in any pharmacy. Or are you a big pharmacy expert with him, taking "drugs" together?


Come on, fill in the blanks, it'll be a laughing matter.

(Your verses are illiterate, I show them to the kids, they "laugh" for a few minutes, go on ...)

Listen, "literate", you've already annoyed everyone here!

Einstein is spelled with two y's!

four2one писал(а) >>

Go ahead and fill in the "gaps".

I suggest that everyone stop publicly discussing interpersonal relations on the pages of the forum.

Open boorishness and mutual insults cause negative emotions.


It's more rational to focus on discussing hardware, e.g.

Intel Core i5 based on Lynnfield core. Masses of top-end architecture!


An interesting practical topic is the choice of power supply unit.

Requirements: power 450-750W, reliability, low noise, cables with modular connection, reasonable price.



Matsuo Basho


Guys, I've been through this on many forums. Just ignore it, don't reply and that's it - the hooligans will calm down. Proven. You can, of course, through a moderator banned, but it will not stop the idiots - a new nickname and start over.

In short, forget it.)))

Docent >> :

Listen, "literate", you're annoying everyone here!

Einstein is spelled with two y's!

Listen, "pester," what language did you translate it from? You could've translated Einstein.

Associate professor of sour grapes.

Aren't you tired of bullshit like pig-beast and the emcee?

Or is your "knowledge" of iron so "high" that you can read their nonsense?

Svinozavr >> :

Guys, I've been over this on a lot of forums. Just ignore it, don't respond, and the bullies will stop. Proven. You can, of course, through a moderator banned, but it will not stop the idiots - a new nickname and start over.

In short, forget it.)))

Piggybacking is already tired, not enough gray matter.


Another thing about the comparison between AMD and Intel. You cannot compare their caches directly since their cache organization is different. If for Intel the contents of all levels caches may be duplicated, so the effective size of cache at one and the same physical one is bigger for AMD. But it has to sacrifice the speed of access to it (special block of cache contents inclusiveness slows down).

So only tests - it's hard to tell from the specs, especially from the latest generation of Intel with TurboBoost.


no photoshop