A visual studio on the MT4 platform. - page 11

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Believe it or not, most users won't even understand what you're asking them. What interfaces? What programs? Most of them use the MQL programs at the level of "drag and drop the indicator icon on the chart". The step to the right, the step to the left - right away they ask for help on TeamViwer. Can I show you the list of my contacts in TeamViwer and Skype? - he list is impressive.

This is exactly the kind of information I am very interested in. If what you say is true, then any project that goes beyond what is already there makes no sense. It's a gloomy thought...

But maybe it's not that bad.

Реter Konow:

This is exactly the kind of information I am very interested in. If what you say is true, then any project that goes beyond what is already there makes no sense. It's a gloomy thought...

But maybe it's not that bad?

In fact, it's worse than that. We can not read and do not want to, we count only on the calculator, but at the same time what we count - we do not understand. And most importantly - no desire to study. :( .
When the solution is ready, then it will make sense to ask.

Why decide if you don't know if someone needs it or not?

Why ask first?

Реter Konow:

This is exactly the kind of information I am very interested in. If what you say is true, then any project that goes beyond what is already there makes no sense. It's a gloomy thought...

But maybe it's not that bad?

In my experience, it's unequivocally safe to say that users won't build their own interfaces. They often don't even know what they want in principle (just ask freelance programmers). Let alone build forms.
Реter Konow:

Why decide if you don't know if someone needs it or not?

Why ask first?

In any case, you have already done a gigantic job, and as you know, you don't change horses at a crossroads. So we are waiting for your release.
Karputov Vladimir:
In fact, it's worse than that. We can't read and we don't want to, we only count on a calculator, but we don't understand what it is that we are counting. And most importantly - there is no desire to study. :( .
If amateurism and laziness prevail among users, what for do developers need to grow? What for, all of us - general degradation? Why do we publish articles with scientific research for programmers in the community? Why do developers continue to be interested in new solutions?
Vasiliy Sokolov:
Anyway, you've already done a gigantic job, and as you know, you don't change horses at a crossroads. So we look forward to your release.

I'll finish it anyway. From here on, whatever happens...

Thank you!

Реter Konow:

Dear developers, expert writers and sceptical advisor-writers.

Let's ask ordinary users - "Do you need an interface to the programs that we offer you?", and "Do you want us to execute your TOR and create for you a window displaying the information you need?

Now the rhetorical question: What do you think they will answer?

They will answer!!! Yes!!! And that there was adjustable transparency and removable skins!!! And to make the skins yourself!!! And the wallpaper on the charts - different wallpaper on different charts!!!

Now a couple of rhetorical questions:

1. Does advanced visualization increase user profits?

2. How long do 'ordinary users' stay in the 'customer' category and in general, are they willing to pay? If yes, probably up to the 1st drain on their self-made trade - after that event the priorities change

Advanced users - more stable and solvent category - sluggishly interested in interface visualization, because MT's in-house one has almost everything they need

Alexander Puzanov:

Advanced users, the more stable and solvent category, are sluggishly interested in interface visualization, because MT's in-house interface has almost everything you need.

Well, then advanced users are the ones we need. Let's work for them. The rest will follow.

About the interface, it is not the main thing, just a tool to expand the capabilities of the developer.

If a user doesn't appreciate the advantages and practicality of an interface program over a non-interface one, at least he won't resist the presence of the interface for sure.

Alexander Puzanov:

Now a couple of rhetorical questions:

1. Does advanced visualisation increase user profits?

Visualisation increases capability, including increased profitability. More to see, more to know, easier to manage, quicker to interact, etc... Here is a short list of the benefits of an interface.