FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 941


Hey there!
Our bitch didn't go up.

Any explanation?

Thank you.

What do you mean? =)


What do you mean? =)

our little mandrake.)


Thank you!
about our mandrake )

Eurochka .

Thanks !

Nothing interesting here so far, hovering around +- 25 pips from the channel. people are buying, trying to catch the bottom. but strong buying starts from 1.10 a bit lower.

the slump was already decided on tuesday. ( price desire level below all rulers)


Nothing interesting here yet.

thank you ! )

I've bought a little )

Nothing interesting here so far, hovering around +- 25 pips from the channel. people are buying, trying to catch the bottom. but strong buying starts from 1.10 a bit lower.

the slump was already decided on tuesday. ( level of desire for price below all the rulers)

You didn't notice how you overslept, the bottom was set back on January 26 and now there is an attempt to consolidate on this bottom. After that, there will be a breakout to a new low.
Before you know it, the bottom was set back on January 26 and now there is an attempt to consolidate on that bottom. After that there will be a breakout to the new low.
i do not trade this pair (i told it many times), i very rarely trade it. but i do analyze it.)
it's not my pair (i've said this many times), i very rarely trade it. but i do analytics=)
So, maybe I should analyze it, at least for a while.

just remember that volumes don't come from the market!!!!!

come from options ?

But were there options 300 years ago ?
or has something changed since then ?

or was it meant that the pose is gained by limits ? Is the surge in volume a sucker punch ?

Thanks !
So, maybe we should go to the analysts.
Good evening ... Sorry if I am interfering ... I do not see the Euro below 1.1000 (1.1020-30 maybe)...
So, maybe you'd like to become an analyst.
No =) not my thing =) especially on the euro =) it has a specificity to go over levels of 25-50 pips