FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2054


Romanovsky, if it's that simple and clear, then go sew sacks of dough)

Stolnikov, your questions and requests baffle me. Go up to a surgeon who has been studying for six years and then scrubbed hospital floors for a couple more years and ask him to teach you how to do operations, then look at his eyes. That's about the same reaction. So guys, don't ask stupid questions, I won't answer them, first ask me, Eidler, Mif, and many others here how many years we have been doing this. One teacher was a sucker...., ugh, a respected man and still is)))

What's the big deal!? What are you doing here? Trolling?

I repent)))

No need to be clever, on the contrary)))

And Margot?
What's with the hit-and-run!? What are you doing here? Trolling?

How could YOU think such a thing)))

And Margot?

This is an exception.

You don't know for sure? I got two. I can't forgive you.
One in 2008, when the crisis hit, I was buying the euro.) I did the second one for the Gold in 2013, when the price fell $200 for 2-3 days, and then the rubber band snapped :(, the third one did not happen.

Maybe he took liquidity directly from suppliers like Kurenecks and others.

Thank you.

this is theoretically possible - you need to have a faster channel to good sources and outpace DT - but DT would have suffered losses - he would not have been allowed to make 600K - the spread would have been widened or cut off altogether

But OC would take a loss - he wouldn't make 600K profit - spread would widen or be cut off altogether.

Nikolai Romanovskyi:
One in 2008, when the crisis hit, I was buying on the euro.) I bought the second one for Gold when the price dropped $200 for 2-3 days and the rubber band snapped :(, the third one has definitely not happened
I was selling silver in large quantities. publicly, by the way.
And Margot?
Yes... she was a nice lady... I remember debating the euro at 1.35+ and then at 1.16 and everyone on the forum thought we were idiots=))))
EUR/USD Котировка в реальном времени |
EUR/USD Котировка в реальном времени |
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Roman Busarov:
Yes... she was a nice lady... I remember debating with her about the Euro at 1.35+ and then at 1.16 and everyone on the forum thought we were idiots=))))

the fighters were reminiscing about the days gone by ...


tell me about the dickfix, huh?

Uh, I was selling silver by the carloads. publicly, by the way.
I had cotton wool in my head, thought I was the smartest.) Against the wind... liked to do