FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2090

Myth, what are you... played a game of chess with Chorosh? Who won?
What chess? I'm sitting on the Vuoksa, with my stupid bobbleheads. And he's got straight left and right... MutherVolga...

our Volga from the Zhiguli near the village of Shiryaevo in the Samara region:


our Volga from the Zhiguli near the village of Shiryaevo in the Samara region:

Ilyushka, I'm at a loss as to what to send. type in the Vuoksa and pictures. there, by the way, is the Ozero cooperative.
You should be a carpenter, making fusion planes. The fatherland is in danger.
I need you, you scarecrow! )) go fish in the woods.
What chess? I'm sitting on the Vuoksa, with my stupid bobbleheads. and he's got straight left and right... MooterVolga...
Well... they were gonna play in the morning.
Don't drink too much... don't let the big bream get you.)
You'll be looking for you later... Ask Sensei... so he'll hook you up to the astral)))

our Volga from the Zhiguli near the village of Shiryaevo in the Samara region:

Mother Russia...Beautiful! My soul sings!)))
Ilyushka, I'm at a loss as to what to send. Go to Vuoksa and the pictures. By the way, there's a cooperative called "The Lake".
You make money there, too?
Daniil Stolnikov:
I need you, you scarecrow!!! )) go fish in the woods
did you take a picture through the window?

through the window...

You're making money there, too?
No... I know the place. It's beautiful...