FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 182

Yeah )))) Been seeing a lot of brothers in the mind these days )))
Going to pick up the ones that didn't make it... trouble.
Yeah )))) Been watching the brothers in the mind these days ))))

Fucking hell to look at, was right on the pound 100 percent, only here it's a shitload of bullshit.



Fucking hell to look at, was right on the pound 100 percent, only here it's a shitload of bullshit.


You have to trade without accepting others' opinions. The more often you change your mind, the more often you make mistakes.

Fucking hell to look at, was right on the pound 100 percent, only here it's a shitload of bullshit.


You were drawing a move down on the pound yesterday, towards 1.48.
You have to trade without accepting other people's opinions. or you always have to give up your own position. The more often you change your mind, the more often you make mistakes.
That's the right thing to do.
So you drew a move down on the pound yesterday, all the way to 1.48.
It's not a question of where it goes, it's a question of where it goes before it goes.
You have to trade without accepting other people's opinions. or you always have to give up your own position. The more often you change your opinion, the more often you make mistakes.
Sometimes a change of heart in time saves you from a slash.
Sometimes a change of heart saves you from the feline.
but why trade so that he comes to visit???
It doesn't fly lightly. It's nice to trade)))
It's not a question of where it's going, it's a question of where it's going before it does.

It's not going anywhere, it will be climbing towards the maximum volume around 53.

Definitely won't take it down for the mad profits of the crowd below 5160.