FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1648


Download a programme and pull through it...


Roman Busarov:
And you thought it was that simple? =)
Shit, guys, I realised a long time ago that life isn't all that simple - I've had enough... of smoking, shall we say, various mana, doku and other profession-related nonsense. I know how incomprehensible, complicated and complicated it all is. Well, people in Russia have such a mentality - and you can't do anything about it. If the Penders can talk sense - well done, respect and admiration to the guys! Our guys are good just to draw 200 squiggles in the form of an integral, and you can sort it out the way you want! There is almost zero information!!!

It's like that everywhere!!! And certainly not on Forik, Near-Forik and the like))

So help me out if you don't mind? Guide on the path of truth?
To begin with, KD takes information from Globex, the electronic trading system, so there is no smell of OTC trading there, yes, it is well visible even for intraday entries, but I do not see the point in doing such nonsense as catching fleas within a day. I can use it to determine short-to-medium term reversals, but it is rare, not more than once per two weeks to a month, so there is no sense to stare into it even for nothing. As for the fee of $4.4 a month. Yes, it's not money, but why pay someone for reinventing the wheel when Nizza or OES can set it all in a few minutes, absolutely on the fly in real time without delay?)
I don't know about the below mentioned, I mostly look at the daily volumes, but sometimes I get abnormal levels and may work with them for a while.
Roman Busarov:

not.... that's worth 7 kopecks =)

For what it's worth, you can smoke for 2 days =) at least I won't go to the market =)

I've just been to a local bank - they have doubled the spread in currencies - not for the good, oh not for the good! The last time there was a similar expansion in December
But why pay someone to reinvent the wheel when you can set it all up in a few minutes in real time and without delay in Ninja or OES?)
Well Ninja - I've heard of it. OES what is it? ))
You misunderstood... i didn't ask for sources or formulas... just results... i mean just what you already show... levels on screenshots... just in txt form... but I don't need them... I wanted to give you the model if I got it so you wouldn't bother...

here's a piece of it =) it won't help you at all =)

that's what this file is for (this includes debts)

GBP.txt  6 kb
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
I did not know about the following, thanks, I will check it out, if you don't mind, is there a link?
The Ninzi demo is , and the OES trading platform google it.
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Well his browser won't open... And even with ftp it's creepy to pull it with your browser ))))

As Teacher says - not comilfo))))))))))) hilarious...

Where is he)))

Daniil Stolnikov:
I was just at my local bank - they have doubled the spread on currencies - not good, oh not good!!! The last time there was a similar widening in December

The market is tight, so the spread has widened.


