Service Work: Towards re-shaping the Top Developers towards professionalism - page 13


"Market", "free competition" - that's understandable.

There are sometimes as many as 20 programmers per customer (judging by the requests lately).

Since "market", "free competition" - one developer offers one another less - the customer wants to spend less. "Fast and high quality" is not an indicator. About "fast" - 1 day, 1 week - there is not much difference, if we are talking about "but cheaper". About "quality", so how does the customer know that one developer does quality better than another? By TOP? By the statistics of completed jobs? Practice shows that in the possibility of "ordering cheaper" - TOP does not play a role.

One thing is not clear - how the "market" and "free competition" - generates a flow of orders for inflated prices - for 100, 200, 300 dollars for a task that is done in 1 hour, 10 minutes? When there are only one or two such customers, it is understandable. But when there is a whole queue of such requests? And when there is only one developer. Has anyone ever seen an expensive boutique in a market with a huge queue for clothes, and this queue is endless?

How can this be explained in terms of "market" and "free competition"? By the terms "fast and quality"?

redundancies will go away.

There is a surplus of programmers and lack of customers, and therefore they are dumping.

Elementary Watson:

1. Yourself;

2. Regular customers, and here it's just a pay-off to raise the ranking.

The only thing that could be added would be an administrator's review of the written codes and scoring of each job. But I don't think that's possible... It's a lot of resources...

How about a radical change in the service? Replace the tender of contractors with a tender of works!

  1. The client sets out the terms of reference, a minimum price and a deadline.
  2. The contractors who are interested in the task declare their participation in the competition.
  3. Next, they develop a program and propose it to the customer at a specified price.
  4. The client, after considering the proposed options, chooses only the one best suited to his expectations. The rest of the work is scrapped, or archived.

The best ones will be paid, while the "lazybones" will die out on their own (they will get tired of working for nothing).

What the customer will receive:

  • very fast execution of tasks
  • a quality product for the real money
  • the ability to choose!!!

What the performer gets:

  • if you really are one of the best, you will be paid for your work
  • gradual reduction of dilettantes from programming, i.e. reduced dumping
  • it may be that the first one to make "the same", and no ranking will not help!
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы - Документация по MQL5
)), counted (125 performers), the average cost of the service = attention 70.4

average time 6.6 days

the average cost of a programmer's time (per day) = 10-12 thousand rubles per month in my neighborhood ))))

Files:  483 kb

How about a radical change in the service? Replace the competition of performers with a competition of works!

The client develops an Expert Advisor in the hope that his strategy is profitable. As soon as the client receives the prototype (even a demo version), the tester shows that the strategy is losing and there is no point in paying for it.

As a result, the Jobs service turns into a branch: "I will write a freebie. If you like it, pay as much as you can.

In reality, such competitions are possible only under large funding, then the risks of the costs of participation in the competition are justified in the hope, if not for one, then for another order, get funding and pay off failed attempts.

Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
  • 2010.06.18
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
С запуском сервиса "Работа" становится идеальным местом для размещения заказов и оказания услуг программирования. Тысячи трейдеров и разработчиков ежедневно посещают этот ресурс и с легкостью могут помочь друг другу. Для трейдера сервис "Работа" - это легкая возможность получить свой собственный эксперт. Для MQL5-разработчика это возможность легко найти новых клиентов. В данной статье мы рассмотрим возможности этого сервиса.

)), counted (126 performers), average job cost per service = attention 69.84
If you count accurately, the current average cost of the job is $53
If you calculate accurately, the average cost of the job at the moment is $53
The file is attached. Do the math yourself.

How about a radical change in the service? Replace the competition for performers with a competition of works!


Many applications are made to test an idea. Once the idea has been implemented, it is judged: is it worth developing further, or should it be put aside until new ideas emerge? or can it go straight to the bin...


How do you measure qualification? Put the amount of qualification for a top in the figures, it is very interesting. +describe the other factors that are most important.

man-hours is not an easy concept for me to understand. In that case, there should be norms for the time required to complete any task, but there are no standards in this case.

SZZ: ....

In the correct economic model, which is command and control, there are standards. But this is not about that now.

You, too, have suggested your method of evaluating performers, it is also interesting.

I have a real line of execution of orders - a day, very rarely 2 days. In fact in the work is written 6. Time there is measured from the moment Agreement of TOR to the transfer of work as I understand it, and do not take into account if the work was filed N days ago and performed entirely and last step to confirm only yesterday. Also by the way defect in the rating.



1. you got 10 jobs, all in a perfect execution of your TOR, who will pay?

2. received you two jobs, the second screwed a bunch of extra features which you did not ask, but you liked them, pay the job he?

3. 3. You got the job, did the test - the sinker. Will you pay him?

DC2008: And maybe change the service? Replace the contest of performers with a contest of works!

Thank you! I laughed until I cried!

You try at least a week, as an experiment, to write for free all requests in the section of work, by the end of the week the desire to radically change the service will disappear by itself, if there is still strength, then in the form of "test shot" I recommend to take the customer "from newcomers" to pay for work at $ 10-15, he just bring the brain yes so that then for $ 50 do not want to write to order

Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
  • 2010.06.18
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
С запуском сервиса "Работа" становится идеальным местом для размещения заказов и оказания услуг программирования. Тысячи трейдеров и разработчиков ежедневно посещают этот ресурс и с легкостью могут помочь друг другу. Для трейдера сервис "Работа" - это легкая возможность получить свой собственный эксперт. Для MQL5-разработчика это возможность легко найти новых клиентов. В данной статье мы рассмотрим возможности этого сервиса.