Who is prepared to pay how much for a really profitable signal? - page 3


By the way you have formed the question in the thread: "Who is ready to pay how much for a really profitable signal?", one can clearly say that trading is your hobby and not your profession. You give the impression of a dilettante, who is tired of losing small deposits in the kitchen and decided to become rich in one fell swoop - "How much are you willing to pay for a REAL PROFITABILITY signal".

1. A professional trader would not even think that the position he is opening is REALLY profitable. He understands that this trade will most likely be unprofitable, so he sets stops. There is no other way. If the trade is profitable, there is no need to place stops. Only dilettantes know ahead of time that the transaction will be profitable.

2. You are only interested in how much you will be paid. You do not want to convince subscribers of the usefulness of subscription to your signals. You think investors are fools, for whom the phrase "a really profitable signal" is enough.

It is not important how much it costs to subscribe, but how many subscribers your trading system will attract. But you are not interested in that. You are interested in "who is ready to pay how much ...". This is the philosophy of an amateur. Judge the difference between:

"Who's willing to pay what for a really profitable signal" and

- "I broadcast signals from a real account with depo $500000, for the last three months + 25%, the maximum drawdown - 15%. How much are you willing to pay per month to subscribe to signals from my account."

- "Broadcasting signals from a real account with a $50000 depo, for the last three months + 25%, maximum drawdown 15%. How many people are willing to receive signals from my account for $10 (50, 100, 300 ...) per month for a subscription to signals from my account."

3. Who told one of the forum users a very common sense: "Learn to Earn money on FREE software! Think about the depth of this phrase.

Your opinion is clear to me!All clever tongues wagging! I'm used to trust the facts! As far as I'm concerned, you have nothing to do with trade or just gabble about trade.)

Thanks for the advice, I'll take it into account =)

It would be nice to generalize some algorithm for finding the price of signals, or a robot that gives them, based on historical data for a certain period(s), drawdown, resistance to force majeuremarket behavior and other components. For example, there are methods to calculate the value of the company depending on the turnover, profit, etc. Standardise, on a contractual basis, such a procedure for signals and robots.
It would be nice to generalize some algorithm to find the price of signals, or a robot that gives them, based on historical data of transactions for a certain period(s), drawdown, resistance to force majeure market behavior and other components. For example, there are methods to calculate the value of the company depending on the turnover, profit, etc. Standardize, on a contractual basis, such a procedure for the signals and trading robots.

If very primitive:

Expected Gains = Profit - Costs - DrawDown


Expected Gains - the signal profit expectation for 1 month in $

Profit - average monthly profit of the signal in $

Costs - the subscription cost for 1 month in $

DrawDown - maximum drawdown in $

If the signals are correct, then you understand that no one will sell them, and they will either earn on their own or open a PAMM or find investors.
If the signals are correct, then you understand that no one will sell them, and they will either earn money themselves or open a PAMM or find investors.
The key word is "sell", they will not give them away for nothing, they will sell them!


ANG3110 2012.11.15 15:57 #
If the signals are correct, then you know that no one will sell them, and they will either earn themselves or open a PAMM or find investors.

The key word is "sell", not for nothing, but they will sell!
So you are not being told to give away for nothing. You are not being told why sell a really profitable signal, when you can make money on it yourself, or attract investors. You may pay investors half of the profit, and keep the other half. Why sell the signal?
You are not being told to give it away for nothing. They are telling you why you should sell a really profitable signal when you can make money on it yourself or attract investors. For example, you would pay investors half of the profit and keep the other half for yourself. Why sell the signal?
I am not sure what to do with it, but I can trade in my own account and earn some more money for nothing!
I can trade in my account and earn more money for nothing!!!

All right. Estimate roughly how much money you can make by selling your signals for 10, 100, etc. dollars to how many people. And how much you can get from one investor paying him only half of the profit, and keep the other half for yourself. Let's take investor's deposit as 10 000 - 30 000$ for example

Perhaps, I am not good at maths, but my brain somehow tells me that selling really profitable signals is not profitable. Maybe I am wrong.


All right. Estimate roughly how much money you can make by selling your signals for 10, 100, etc. dollars to how many people. And how much you can get from one investor paying him only half of the profit, and keep the other half for yourself. Let's take investor's deposit as 10 000 - 30 000$ for example

Perhaps, I am not good at maths, but my brain somehow tells me that selling really profitable signals is not profitable. Maybe I am wrong.

it is a different product, you can sell signals with investor's money as well!
By and large, at the initial stages, this is a good platform to "get noticed". Who is ready to pay how much and for what will be decided when the real market for this service is launched. If a person wants to broadcast signals, that is his right. There will be those who will pay for the service if it is of high quality, and how much will be decided by rebalancing, as for any service or commodity.