Interesting and Humour - page 1143


Countrywomen. Painting by the artist David M. Bowers

Beautiful dacha girls, makes me want to go to the countryside).


Took a picture in the bus yesterday

The Russian has no inhibitions!

A bus full of tourists has been on the road for hours, and the air conditioning doesn't work. Suddenly someone has ruined the air pretty badly. Everyone's eyes are staring, people are shouting in fury: "Give us the bastard, we'll tear him to shreds." A solid-looking man gets up:
- "Don't worry, I'm a hereditary psychic and I'll figure the bastard out. I just need a string long enough to cover the whole bus.
People scrambled to find a thread somewhere. Psychic:
- Now pull the string from the beginning to the end of the salon and everybody grab the string. Everybody take it?
- Yeah.
- Did the one who farted get it, too?
- Yes.