Interesting and Humour - page 4865


Zeno's aporia is solved elementary: to the infinite divisibility of space is added the infinite divisibility of time, as a result we get sort of differential calculus...

The oneness of Cosmos is only a logical sum of small cosmos, here the situation is a little bit close to the ontological proof of God by Anselm of Canterbury, who was successfully defeated by Kant...

But with Gödel's incompleteness it's really much more complicated... in general I am inclined so far to think that Logos has certain limitations, that Logos is only a tiny island in the ocean of Mythos... of course it would be tempting to have a universal language, but probably the very essence of language and concepts is such that they do not cover the totality, there is something beyond concepts (universals) at least the existence itself is not grasped by concepts...

David Hilbert in his "Grundlagen der Mathematik" wrote that modern mathematics and physics cannot satisfactorily resolve Zeno's aporia. And nowadays no form of infinitesimal analysis can be constructed without the choice axiom, but its application may lead to rather monstrous conclusions, like the Banach-Tarsky paradox.

Singularity is only one aspect of the fact that the Cosmos is One. The One cannot be composed of parts, but the very attempt to know it is already a division into the knower (the subject of the act of epistemology) and the knowable (the object of the act of epistemology). The Neo-Platonists, above all Jamvlich, eventually came to the possibility of knowing the One only through esoteric practices described in coded form in the Chaldean Oracles.

The most important thing is that the results of Gödel, Tarsky, etc. destroyed the foundations of the deductive theory of knowledge, built by Plato and Aristotle in the image and likeness of mathematics. As a result it turned out that mathematics is inductive like all other sciences, and its results depend only on what statements-axioms are put in the basis of reasoning. This leaves the only way out - an appeal to the philosophy of the Oneness, created by Solovyov.


The average trader, plagued by money and setbacks, believes that successful speculators must fulfil their dream of living on tropical islands, surrounded by beautiful women and expensive cars. In reality, many of them lead a very ascetic life and some turn out to be disciples of great philosophers. So we can't do this without Plato and Descartes and Frege and Popper.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The average trader, plagued by money and setbacks, believes that successful speculators must fulfil their dream of living on tropical islands, surrounded by beautiful women and expensive cars. In reality, many of them lead a very ascetic life and some turn out to be disciples of great philosophers. So, in our difficult business, without Plato and Descartes, and Frege and Popper, we can't do without them at all.

And which of them lead an ascetic life?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The average trader, plagued by money and setbacks, believes that successful speculators must fulfil their dream of living on tropical islands, surrounded by beautiful women and expensive cars. In reality, many of them lead a very ascetic life and some turn out to be disciples of great philosophers. So in our difficult business, without Plato and Descartes, and Frege and Popper, we're utterly helpless.

Couldn't resist: successful speculators are obliged to fulfil their dream of working in a factory.


And which of them exactly lead an ascetic life?

Warren Edward Buffett, for example.

Andrey Sharov:

Couldn't resist: successful speculators are obliged to fulfil their dream of working in a factory.

at the factory (ask transcendreamer for details)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Warren Edward Buffett, for example.

Buffett lives in a two-storey house with five bedrooms. In addition to this house, he also has several mansions, including a mansion in Laguna Beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Buffett has a weakness for expensive aeroplanes and collects them. Once he even asked to be buried in his beloved Gulfstream IV-SP for $10 million.

Well, he's a bit of an ascetic...


Buffett lives in a two-storey house with five bedrooms. In addition to this house he also has several mansions, including a mansion in Laguna Beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Buffett has a weakness for expensive aeroplanes and collects them. Once he even asked to be buried in his beloved Gulfstream IV-SP for $10 million.

Well, he's an ascetic...

He's a regular old ascetic, but not unusually rich.)


Buffett lives in a two-storey house with five bedrooms.

Maybe that's what asceticism is all about, since having some mansions he lives in a modest house?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

at the Factory (go to transcendreamer for details)

Thanks, I'm familiar with his work.

Форекс это обман
Форекс это обман
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