Errors, bugs, questions - page 812

What is the bit mode of the terminal?

There is no such information in terminal properties "About" (only version and build)

But it is not in "Program Files (x86)" folder, but in "Program Files" where on Win7 64 bit all programs which can work on 64 bit are installed.

It is logical to assume it must be 64 bit.

(Are you able to repeat as described and shown above?)


There is no such information in the terminal properties "About" (only version and build)

You can check the terminal log on startup


(Are you able to repeat as described and shown above?)

Yes, but only when the "step out" button is pressed.

In all other debugging options and in the build everything works correctly. Conclusion - glitch in debugger, when processing "step out".

Write to servicedesk, they will fix it for the next build.

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Ваше сообщение сразу станет доступно нашим отделам тестирования, технической поддержки и разработчикам торговой платформы.

Day-trading is trading in long or short positions during the day, without carrying trades over to the next day.

Day-trading - is it a trading system? I want towrite an article for trading systems, but I am not smart enough to understand how daytrading works.


Day-trading is trading in long or short positions during the day, without carrying trades over to the next day.

Day-trading - is it a trading system? I want to write an article for trading systems, but I do not have enough brains for daytrading.

It refers to trading styles, roughly speaking. Or methods.

Day-trading is trading in long or short positions during the day, without carrying trades over to the next day.

Day-trading - is it a trading system? I want to write an article on trading systems, but I do not have enough intelligence about daytrading.

And then there is the term intraday trading (intraday trading). (It means the same thing. ))

Dear site moderators. Kindly move the"Basket Trading, Binary Trading" thread created by the author by mistake to the "General Discussions" section in the "Trading Systems" section, which corresponds to the branch topic. The topic is relevant and interesting to many people. The author of the branch also proposes to move it.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, there is no such option.
Unfortunately, that's not an option.
I see. Thank you.

Dear site moderators. Kindly move the"Basket Trading, Binary Trading" thread created by the author by mistake to the "General Discussions" section in the "Trading Systems" section, which corresponds to the branch topic. The topic is relevant and interesting to many people. The author of the branch also proposes to move it.

Thank you.

Alternatively: create a new thread in Trading Systems with a link to an existing one and continue it where it should be.