Errors, bugs, questions - page 159


Yes you're right, and the difference in payment is only 200p...

Only now it's all income, outweighing expenses. It's also time to get married. December boom, congratulations, thanks ))))

Thanks Sergey. It's a bit early yet. We'll get real in December. But thanks anyway. Also, offtopic.

If you make a marking on smaller timeframes - it starts flashing for a while on higher timeframes - it disappears and reappears like a light show at a disco. Question to developers, is it possible to fix this problem?


What does this message mean in the EA logs?

247398240 bytes of leaked memory

If I understand it correctly, it is how much memory has leaked.

What can cause such leaks?

This means that somewhere, objects of class(es) are created using the new operator and these objects are not deleted(delete operator) when the EA/script/indicator is terminated.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операторы / Оператор уничтожения объекта delete
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операторы / Оператор уничтожения объекта delete
Основы языка / Операторы / Оператор уничтожения объекта delete - Документация по MQL5

If you make a marking on smaller timeframes - it starts blinking for a while on higher timeframes - it disappears and appears again like a light-music at a disco. Question to the developers, is it possible to fix this problem?

What build of the terminal? What OS? What bit rate?

Write a request to servicedesk with description of playback steps, source codes (if available), etc.

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I copy my indicator to the 64-bit version, compile it, try to install it on a chart - it thinks about 1 second, does not show the parameter entry window and immediately generates an error:


I copy my indicator to the 64-bit version, compile it, try to install it on a chart - it thinks about 1 second, does not show the parameter entry window and immediately writes an error:

Can you write to Service Desk? It would help us to fix the error.
Общайтесь с разработчиками через Сервисдеск!
Общайтесь с разработчиками через Сервисдеск!
Ваше сообщение сразу станет доступно нашим отделам тестирования, технической поддержки и разработчикам торговой платформы.
Can you write to Service Desk? It would help us to fix the bug.

I did, thank you.

P.S. Response - will fix in next release, related to type conversion


If you make a markup on smaller timeframes - it starts blinking for a while on higher timeframes - it disappears and reappears like lightning talks at a disco. Question to the developers, is it possible to fix this problem?

On my XP 32 bit I also see this,

It seems when displaying the line on the chart, the time should be normalized to the breakdown of the current chart (just a hint for the MQ developers).


Here's a glitch noticed (under investor password, build 342):


Abyss (although it's probably just a GUI glitch)