Errors, bugs, questions - page 165



When normalising:

double x = 41;

double y = 9;

double z;

z = NormalizeDouble(x / y, 2);

z == 4.560000000000001

we get more than 2 decimal places.

same for pairs 82/9, 93/10, 94/11, 123/13

Can you tell me why this happens, what am I doing wrong?



When normalizing:

double x = 41;

double y = 9;

double z;

z = NormalizeDouble(x / y, 2);

z == 4.560000000000001

we get more than 2 decimal places.

same for pairs 82/9, 93/10, 94/11, 123/13

Can you tell me why this happens, what am I doing wrong?


pi= 3.1415926535897931
NormalizeDouble(pi,3)= 3.1419999999999999
NormalizeDouble(pi,8)= 3.1415926499999998
NormalizeDouble(pi,0)= 3.0000000000000000

Документация по MQL5: Преобразование данных / NormalizeDouble
Документация по MQL5: Преобразование данных / NormalizeDouble
Преобразование данных / NormalizeDouble - Документация по MQL5
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Вещественные типы (double, float)
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Вещественные типы (double, float)
Основы языка / Типы данных / Вещественные типы (double, float) - Документация по MQL5
If the program stops, it means that the operating system is asleep. There is no other way around it.

Perhaps, of course, it's tricky to fall asleep somehow. Except he hasn't been for about an hour now. There certainly hasn't been a power cut in that time. Came in, moved the mouse. The screen lights up. There's MT5 on the screen with the optimization mode finished-- a table with the results. Immediately MT5 finishes its work. EXEL is hanging with the data without any problems. In other words, even if my notebook falls asleep (I will get closer to it now), MT5 must complete its work after it falls asleep?

In the additional power settings, "Disconnect drive after 20 min. (period of inactivity from the mains) - is it possible that this is the case?


It's possible, of course, that it's somehow tricky to fall asleep.

Have you installed proprietary or third-party power management software?

In Windows events, look for the state to which the laptop switches...

I don't know if that's available in the home one.

Control Panel/System and Security/Administration/Event View/Windows Logs/System


Экзотическая версия: проблемы электросети -> ноут переходит на батареи -> уходит в спящий режим.

If the programme stops, it means the operating system is asleep. There is no other way around it.

It wasn't a dream, that's for sure. There is a button "Sleep" in the operating system, activate it and the system goes to sleep together with MT5 and tester in optimization mode. You will not wake it up with a mouse (at me). Wake it up with power button, MT5 does not get off - continues optimization.


It was not a dream, for sure. There is a button "Sleep" in the operating system, activate it and the system goes to sleep together with MT5 and the tester in optimisation mode. You will not wake it up with mouse (at me). Wake it up using power button, MT5 will not reset, continues optimization.

If sesema goes to sleep all things in memory are saved on HDD (the free space equal to RAM must be at least). On hibernation data is read from HDD and shows system and software status at the moment of hibernation.

Sometimes there are problems with the connection to the network.


It wasn't a dream, unequivocally.


Laptops now live their lives under their own resource managers (Windows settings are secondary), rising from sleep/hybernate instantly. I'm judging from my own machines.


If the sesema goes to sleep, everything in memory is stored on the HDD (requires at least the same amount of free space as RAM). When hibernating, the data is read from the disk and the status of the system and software at the time of hibernation is displayed.

Sometimes there are problems with the connection to the network.

This is called hypernausea. And there is the concept of hibernation - when only RAM remains under low voltage power (if unplugged and battery removed - equivalent to pressing the Reset button)


A bug when working with text.

When copying text with combination (Ctrl + left mouse button) font is always Arial, although in properties it is other.

Press again properties, parameters, where font, click ok, then it changes.

The same bug, there is also when working with the text label and drawing graphics (not saved parameters date scale, ie check the box is not, but the scale is, click ok, and then changes )

Please fix it.