Errors, bugs, questions - page 157

There are many good and different plugins for Firefox that allow you to work freely with mht, both in Win and in Lin. I have never had any problems. Mht removes the problem of useless duplicate html image files.

IE definitely supports it. Try to find a way to save the pag in this form in, say, Mozilla or Opera.

For Opera - Save As->Web Archive (one file). It's been around for many, many years, maybe since the beginning

I would not say that Word opens correctly, so OpenOffice I think will not open very nicely either.

HTML Open Office opens, not perfectly, but quite well. But that (how shall I put it crudely) nonsense that appears when you try to open a simple web archive I personally do not need for nothing.

For reference - 3.1.

For Firefox many good and different plugins that allow to work freely with mht, both in Win and in Lin. I have never had a problem. Mht removes problem with useless duplicate html image files.

The nonsense?

I don't know, maybe they are useless somewhere, but everything is logical here - the chart has a report name.


Besides in current conditions in my opinion it is quite ideal - I want to see the report with graph, I want to see the graph separately.

Although what am I, if developers see fit let them add one more type of report saving...


HTML Open Office opens, not perfectly, but quite well. But that (how to put it crudely) nonsense that appears when you try to open a simple web archive I personally do not need for nothing.

Well, that's his problem then, the format is widespread, and you could be able to work with it.

In general, the choice to save in this format will not hurt.

After updating the terminal today, uninitialised variable is used warnings for local variables declared inside user-defined functions started coming in during compilation. After declaring these variables as global, the warnings disappeared.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные / Локальные переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные / Локальные переменные
Основы языка / Переменные / Локальные переменные - Документация по MQL5
After declaring these variables as global, the warnings disappeared.

Wouldn't it have been better to initialise them explicitly with initial values?
Wouldn't it be better to initialise them explicitly with initial values?
Yes, we could. But when you declare variables, they are already assigned zero values.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Основы языка / Переменные - Документация по MQL5
Yes, we can. But when variables are declared, they are already assigned zero values.

Not so - Initialising variables

Any variable, when defined, can be initialized. If the variable is not explicitly initialized, the value stored in that variable can be anything. Implicit initialization is not performed.

Read also the article The Order of Object Creation and Destruction in MQL5.


One more small wish

Is it possible to make Ctrl+C Ctrl+V work in input parameters in the tester?

It always bothered me in MT4, at least here...


Overdid the "possible use of uninitialised variable 'lots'" error

Appears in this situation:

It's clear that the lots variable is always initialized.
Please double-check your example.