Errors, bugs, questions - page 1533

Comments not relevant to this topic have been moved to "ChartXYToTimePrice calculation".

Please advise anyone who has experienced it.


2016.03.20 23:45:17.693 Terminal Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (x64 based PC), IE 10.00, RDP, UAC, Intel Xeon E3-1230 v3 @ 3.30GHz, RAM: 409 / 1023 Mb, HDD: 2805 / 30617 Mb, GMT-08:00

Terminal version 1274 MT5

Drawing objects

The function is primitive:

void LabelCreat(string namelabel,int Xdist,int Ydist,string Text,int size=10,color colorr=C'45,159,201')
   if(MQL5InfoInteger(MQL5_TESTING) && !MQL5InfoInteger(MQL5_VISUAL_MODE))return;
   if(MQL5InfoInteger(MQL5_OPTIMIZATION) )return;
   ObjectSetInteger(ChartID(),namelabel,OBJPROP_READONLY,true); // иначе нажать на нее нельзя
   ObjectSetInteger(ChartID(),namelabel,OBJPROP_ZORDER,999); // иначе нажать на нее нельзя

Problem: after drawing everything is ok, everything is displayed on the chart. Some time later when I go between terminals or login to UPU again, some words and data are lost, I get mess.

I go to the object properties:

the object seems to be there. But it's not on the chart.

Then I press ok and the object appears on the chart.

At the same time:

On home computer:

2016.03.21 08:27:02.936 Windows 7 Ultimate (x64 based PC), IE 11.00, 8 x Intel Core i7-6700 @ 3.40GHz, RAM: 5615 / 32684 Mb, HDD: 26194 / 1498122 Mb, GMT+02:00

Same build - everything worked oi on the old build and on the latest - all ok.

Problem in both mt4 and mt5.


To subscribe to the official developer channel, you need to get him to friend you. But he has never responded to the request.

How do I subscribe to keep up to date?


To subscribe to the official developer channel, you need to get him to friend you. But he has never responded to the request.

How do I subscribe to keep up to date?

You don't have to. All you have to do is add the channel to yourself.
Is the site search broken again?
Artyom Trishkin:
You don't have to. It is enough to add this channel to yourself.

Then why wasn't it informed in any way through the subscription system that the article had appeared?

Обсуждение статьи "В MetaTrader 5 добавлена хеджинговая система учета позиций"
Обсуждение статьи "В MetaTrader 5 добавлена хеджинговая система учета позиций"
Его объем будет равен разности лотов двух закрытых позиций, а направление позиции и цена открытия — большей (по объему) из закрываемых позиций. - - Категория: статьи и техническая библиотека по автоматическому трейдингу

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

When is the new version of MT5 and where to find out what is expected in it

comp, 2016.03.22 07:12

In CTRL+M Accounts -> MetaQuotes-Demo there are several accounts, when hovering over them a tooltip appears. It does not say anything about hedge and net.


Good afternoon, there is a problem - It is impossible to change the period of the "chart" object programmatically. Reproduced in the standard example: Indicators/Examples/Panels/ChartPanel...

ObjectSetInteger - problems with the "chart" object(#1432928)

Ruslan Khasanov:

Good afternoon, there is a problem - It is impossible to change the period of the "chart" object programmatically. Reproduced in the standard example: Indicators/Examples/Panels/ChartPanel...

ObjectSetInteger - problems with the "chart" object(#1432928)

This has already been fixed. Please wait for the next build
Alexander Puzanov:

Thanks for the autoswitching to the fold-out site menu - very handy!

Can't you make it open on MouseOver instead of clicking? Or would there be a problem with the mobile version of the site?

Please. Opening collapsed menu by hovering the mouse cursor over it - we'll definitely do it.