Errors, bugs, questions - page 1112

Can you tell me if the indicator you bought on the Market can't be saved to disk?
Can you tell me if the indicator you bought on the Market can't be saved to disk?
As well as upload it back )))) Just kidding. It is saved on your disc.

Here's a question: How long will it take to get a response from the service desk?

Started: 2014.03.13 15:07, #976227. It's been 2 working days with no reply. At least they would have written something "started looking", "the problem is serious" or "go fuck yourself nickel"... Nothing...

As well as pumping it back in ))) Just kidding. It is saved on your disk.
What folder? Searched the whole drive - no search results.
Which folder? Searched the whole drive - no results were found.

the file is downloaded to the client terminal folder.

Like this.

In which folder? Searched all over the drive - no results were found.
What's the point of searching? All products bought on the market are protected and linked to an account.
Or maybe he's going to move it? Who cares? There's a question. There's an answer. No rules have been broken yet ;)
What's the point of looking? All the products you buy on the market are protected and tied to your account.
It seems that in addition to binding to the account there is also a binding to the hardware, i.e. if some part of the computer has changed, it requires a new activation of the product, so they have made 3 free activation.

A questionable message comes up.

Suppose I compile script AAA.mq5 in MetaEditor

I proceed to MetaTrader - run it - all is ok for displaying time

Then I edit script and make error - I start to compile again. Then I go back to MetaTrader and launch script (don't pay attention to the error) - in the tab "Experts" I see the following record: 'AAA.mq5' successfully compiled

Logically, there should be a record about compilation error and a red icon

Maybe you can elaborate on what kind of error you made.

Why does this warning appear on this line?

possible loss of data due to type conversion

int digits=SymbolInfoInteger(m_symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);