Errors, bugs, questions - page 2973

Denis Kirichenko:

Dear developers, please check if <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh> is correct:

Technically there is no error. In this case virtual is implied, even if not explicitly specified


Technically, there is no error. In this case virtual is implied, even if not explicitly stated

Thank you. But I would like some syntactic uniformity. After all, we already have one, for example:

class CArrayDouble : public CArray


   virtual void      QuickSort(int beg,int end,const int mode=0);


class CArrayString : public CArray


   virtual void      QuickSort(int beg,int end,const int mode=0);


The Market folder is full of experts


but I can only test the first 6


What is wrong and what should I do?


CryptDecode(CRYPT_BASE64 error

int OnInit()
   string text="";
   string res="";
   string key="fuyTkH3cd63K9Htrl2xdFgjerPjmla8h";

      Print("Error: Encode:",GetLastError());


      Print("Error: Decode:",GetLastError());


bool CryptEncodeA(string InputText,string key,string &Output) {
   uchar scr[];
   uchar dst[];
   uchar res[];
   uchar key_aes256[];
   uchar key_base64[];
   if(CryptEncode(CRYPT_AES256,scr,key_aes256,dst)==0) return(false);
   if(CryptEncode(CRYPT_BASE64,dst,key_base64,res)==0) return(false);
   Output = CharArrayToString(res);
bool CryptDecodeA(string InputText,string key,string &Output) {
   uchar scr[];
   uchar dst[];
   uchar res[];
   uchar key_base64[];
   uchar key_aes256[];
   if(CryptDecode(CRYPT_BASE64,scr,key_base64,dst)==0) return(false);
   if(CryptDecode(CRYPT_AES256,dst,key_aes256,res)==0) return(false);
   Output = CharArrayToString(res);


CryptEncodeA function creates a line that CryptDecodeA cannot decode and generates error "4029" in MT4, "4006" in MT5

Log line: vj9jDk+GxxB4W1zQc4/rC4OPvttMcgcF5ZFVC7m7l50=

If you remove the last "="-then it decrypts and there is no error.

In this case, php decrypts normally and correctly:

$secret_key = 'fuyTkH3cd63K9Htrl2xdFgjerPjmla8h';

$s = "indicator_chart_window";
$res = base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($s,"AES-256-ECB",$secret_key,OPENSSL_RAW_DATA));
echo $res.'<br>';

$s= "vj9jDk+GxxB4W1zQc4/rC54fEtkLAsAONkyeprqmMlw=";
$res = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($s),"AES-256-ECB",$secret_key,OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING|OPENSSL_RAW_DATA);
echo $res;


We encrypt the same line on the server: "indicator_chart_window"

We get the result:"vj9jDk+GxxB4W1zQc4/rC54fEtkLAsAONkyeprqmMlw="

Insert this line into the mql code and error again - remove the last "=" and everything works fine.


Put some random encryption key, the server got the string: "8CpXr3OlVlVhGs41syHA0+HqZKnatswQjRWn2fKYN4qN4=="

Inserted the string in the mql-code - error, removed one "=" leaving only one - worked fine (what was the key that created the string with two equals - could not reproduce)

I want an answer, maybe I'm doing something wrong!


No memory freeing during optimisation.

The screenshot shows memory consumption when using only one agent during optimization:

The bug is related to a similar design as below in the code, the bug doesn't show up here:

input int ii;//Для оптимизации
//|                                                                  |
class My_class
   struct s_Frame_info
      ulong          event_index;
      uchar          frame_id;
      int            data_size;
   struct s_Frame
      s_Frame_info   frame_info;
      uchar          data[];
   s_Frame           _data_local[];

   void              GGG()
      for(int i1=0; i1<1024; i1++)
         int len1=ArrayRange(_data_local[i1].data,0);
  } *my_class;
//|                                                                  |
int OnInit()
   my_class=new My_class();
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   delete my_class;
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

Any thoughts on this?

Denis Nikolaev:

The Market folder is full of experts

but I can only test the first 6

What is wrong and what should I do?

This is a four. Reached the limit of the number.


Why is test.mq5 compiled instead of test.mqproj ? while thetest.mqproj projectis closed

Only by deleting the filetest.mqproj everything is back to normal

Is it possible to upload a png file to MQL/Images folder in codebase?

The png files seem to be allowed, but for some reason they are not sent to the server - after submitting the form the png files are not in the uploaded list.

Artyom Trishkin:

That's a four. Reached the limit.

Thank you, Artem. The cleansing has helped.

Stanislav Korotky:

Is it possible to upload a png file to MQL/Images folder in codebase?

The png files seem to be allowed, but for some reason they are not sent to the server - after submitting the form the png files are not in the uploaded list.

I'll add more. I have archived all the files like with EasyAndFastGUI ( and uploaded them to MQL5/Images. The zip file has been registered on the server, but the compilation is still not successful - the server says it doesn't see the resource files. Question: How did EasyAndFastGUI compile?

Or do I have to ask the moderators to manually push the submit again( - publicly unavailable)?

EasyAndFastGUI - библиотека для создания графических интерфейсов
EasyAndFastGUI - библиотека для создания графических интерфейсов
Библиотека EasyAndFastGUI дает возможность создавать графические интерфейсы для своих MQL-программ.